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Not me writing this with 115 missing assignments :D and I'm going to school on Wednesday. 

Someone lmk what you want me to write next, any ideas would be appreciated. 

Not my finest piece I must admit. 

      Bucky was on a mission which meant you were lonely for the most part. Not because he was the only person you talked to, but because it was only you in the compound. Everyone else was either on a mission or out. You mentally cursed yourself that you got injured last mission.

      "Sharon Carter, I swear to God if you move from your post I'll break you," you whisper-shouted at Sharon through your comms. She would not listen to any order. Not from you, or Steve, or even Tony. "I didn't just nearly get my head blown off for nothing. STAY. AT. YOUR. POST." 

     Bucky who was with Steve at the time, came over to you and you joined the two men in trying to get the stolen mind stone from Pierce. Sharon scoffed and did what she always did, break the rules. She left her post and climbed closer to the stone in the middle of the room. 

     You, Steve and Bucky were crouching behind a piece of concrete that fell from the roof. A super soldier at either of your sides. You looked over the concrete pointing your gun at anything that flew towards you. You saw Sharon making her way to the middle of the room, where she was NOT supposed to be. 

     "Fuck's sake," you whispered and Bucky must of heard because he looked at what your gaze was fixed on, He sighed and way too calmly said "Sharon stand the fuck down," through the comms. Without thinking, you jumped over the concrete and Bucky tried to stop you but you were too fast. You jumped over and sprinted towards her trying to miss any bullets heading your way. You grabbed her upper arm and whispered "What the fuck are you doing?" 

     As she turned around to face you, her eyes opened wide and she gasped, looking behind you. You turned around to see what the threat was only to be met with Pierce standing over you, gun in hand, pointing right at your stomach. "bye-bye," He smiled and pulled the trigger. Before everything went black, you heard Bucky and Steve scream in unison;  "NO!"

     The bullet ended up missing everything vital but it left you not able to go on missions for months, and a scar but you didn't really mind the scar, it just meant you had proof of surviving. After the incident, Sharon was fired and charged with disobeying and endangering her and her teammates lives. 

    You sighed, making your way through the empty corridor, wearing only a shirt and shorts. They are supposed to come back today. Just 6 more hours. 

   You wobbled your way towards Bucky's room and decided sleeping would make the time pass much quicker. You made your way into his closet and pulled out his favourite hoodie and pulled it over your body. It was massive on you but you didn't care because it was comfortable. You dragged yourself back into the room and flopped onto the bed, groaning at the pain that came from your stomach. 

    Your face was deep in Bucky's pillows and you pulled the cover over your body. Snuggling it, imagining it was Bucky when he came back. You closed your eyes and melted into the comfort of the bed.

Bucky's P.O.V.

     I was exhausted. My body was sore and I longed sleep and possibly a shower. My eyelids felt heavy and it felt as if I could fall asleep just about anywhere. 

     We were all on the jet on our way back to New York. All I wanted to do was toss my bags onto the side of my room and fall onto my bed allowing sleep to consume me. The mission took more time than we expected so we were behind on time. 

    I honestly thought I wouldn't make it to New York. Hydra almost got me and turned me back into the Winter Soldier, but I made a promise to myself, I'd never serve Hydra again. The mission itself was a success. Yes, it left me a mental mess, but it was a success. 

    I silently wished (Y/N) was here so I could at least hug her. I missed her so much it hurt. Almost 4 months away from my girlfriend was torture. Thankfully, the jet was almost home. I leaned into the seat I was sitting in and waited for the jet to land. 

Normal P.O.V.

    Your body stirred gently as the door to Bucky's room opened. He was carrying his two large bags in each hand. He let the go by the door way and entered the room properly. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a body laying in his bed, in his hoodie. 

     He smiled at the sight in front of him, You somehow made it on top on the cover and you laid on your stomach, one leg straight and one bent at an angle. Just as he made a step forwards, your eyes snapped open. 

    You yawned and lifted yourself up with your elbows, looking towards the thing that woke you up. Your eye widened when you realised it was Bucky. You jumped up despite still being half awake and eyes still fuzzy with sleep. You leaped into Bucky's arms and placed your arms around his neck, wrapping your legs around his waist. 

    Bucky chuckled and held you close by your thighs. "Hey, doll," He whispered as he kissed your temple and putting his face in the crook of your neck. 

    "I missed you so much," you mumbled against his shoulder. 

    You felt your shoulder dampen and that's when you pulled away. You placed your hands on his cheeks and wiped away tears that came rolling down. "What's wrong, bubs?" 

   "I didn't think I'd make it back. I-," 

   "Shhh. You're here now." you reassured him. He looked into your eyes and gave you a gentle smile. "Let's go to sleep," you told him releasing your legs from his waist. "You'll take a shower tomorrow." 

     Bucky chuckled once more and let you drag him into bed. The two of you laid down and Bucky's head was leaning on your chest, your arms around his shoulders. You kissed the top of his head and the biggest smile emerged on Bucky's face. 

    He felt so cared for. He was happy. 

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