Secrets and Jealousy

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I hate this one with a passion but it's almost 2k words and took too long not to post. 

This one is mainly talking so that's why I'm sceptical about it. 

  "(Y/N), check the North wing. I'll be in the West," Sharon's voice demanded through your comms. 

   "But that wasn't the pla-" 

   "Do as I say."

   You sighed and silently ran through the corridors of the Hydra facility. The plan was, stick with Sharon throughout the whole mission. But Sharon being Sharon, broke the rules. She separated herself from you almost immediately. The only way of communication between you and her were the comms.

   You ran through massive amounts of corridors until you got in the North wing. It was big, like, massive. There wasn't anywhere to hide if any threats came towards you so you kept close to the walls. You walked down a large corridor and into a room that looked like an office. You pushed the door open and walked towards the wooden desk in the middle of the room. 

   There was another, smaller, door to your left. You didn't hesitate to jog over to it and try to open it. You grabbed the door knob and turned it harshly. It wouldn't open so you grabbed your gun from the holster on your thigh and shot the lock off. The door knob fell to the floor and you stepped inside trying to see in the dark room. 


   "There's a basement," you said into the comms. 

   "Check it then," She spat. 

   As you walked further into the room, Sharon's voice sounded again. "Do me a favour, stay away from James," 

  "Why would I do that?" You scoffed. 

  "Because I said so," 

  You laughed into the comms and replied with; "I don't know, Sharon. I'm pretty sure for that to happen, I'd have to care what you think." 

  "He wont like you when he finds out you can't have children," 

  Your brows furrowed in both rage and confusion. How the fuck did she know?  You froze for a second remembering the recorder in the comms. Everyone back in the compound could hear everything being said. You shivered at the thought of having to explain your inability to have children to Bucky. Wouldn't he hate you?

  "Aren't you with Steve? Because I'm very positive incest is illegal in the USA," You said calmly trying not to lose your shit. "And Steve won't take it lightly once he finds out he's fucking his niece." 

   It was quite for a while, you smirked to yourself thinking you shut her up. You made it to the end of the stairs and flipped the switch on the wall. Light flooded the small basement and your eyes landed on the corner of the room. 

   There was a box sitting on the ground cornered away. You cautiously made your way to the box scared of what might be inside. Your eyebrows creased as a light beeping sound filled the room, and a red light emitted from the box. 

   A bomb.

  "There's a bomb," 

  "Is it active?"


  You didn't get the chance to finish. The box beeped faster as you climbed up the stairs trying to make it out in time. The room filled with smoke and you flew down the stairs into a wall. Your ears rung as the explosion consumed you and you hit your head onto the wall you flew into. 

James "Bucky" Barnes ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang