~ 29 ~ Forever Ring

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Cling cling... cling.

The ring spun to a stop on the pavement after it dropped from Shuichi's trembling hands, body frozen in place, eyes fixated on the rubble in front of him. He knew the phone call he received from the police department about a fallen building involved Kokichi, the bloodcurdling scream of his boyfriend rang through his ears as he stared the crime scene. He couldn't help but wonder, his gut instinct was telling him he was right but his heart was telling him he was wrong, to not give up hope just yet. He wanted to go with his heart, he had to, his gut was wrong.

Emergency services were running around everywhere, police, paramedics, you name it and they were at the scene of the abandoned warehouse collapse.

"Mr. Saihara?" Shuichi snapped his entire body to face the police officer walking up to him, taking note of her miserable attempt to mask the solemn look on her face.

"What is it?" He asked as he knelt down to pick up the ring at his feet, twirling it around his fingers to try and calm his anxiety.

"We believe we've identified the body, and there only seems to be one victim. We believe they were connected to you so I'd like to ask if you could help us confirm the identity?"


Both the officer and Shuichi crossed the police tape and made their way to the red splattered boulders and debris. The ring flew out of Shuichi's grip as he cried out, his gaze landing on the all too familiar purple hair that still was defying gravity, even in death. He lunged out to grab at the corpse, fingertips brushing against cold, dead ones before the officer accompanying him wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him back.

Shuichi let out cries and screams one after the other, calling out for Kokichi. 

"Wake up! Kichi please, the joke's over now! Please... wake up..." Waterfalls poured from Shuichi's eyes as another police officer had to come over and help restrain him from grabbing Kokichi's body. Soon though, Shuichi exhausted himself from his crying and screaming and just collapsed to the ground, sobbing into himself as he curled into a ball. 

He stayed like that for a few minutes before feeling a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Get the. Fuck. Off of me." Shuichi hissed with more venom than he knew he was capable of. The hand moved off of his shoulder and instead two arms gently embraced the grieving boy. "I thought I said-"

"I know what you said." Shuichi's eyes widened in shock as he crawled out of the older man's grasp, grief instantly taken over by terror as he thought of how much trouble his attitude would get him in.

"I'm so sorry uncle I didn't mean- I shouldn't have- I'm sor-" Saihara held up a hand, silencing his nephew.

"Don't apologise, you did nothing wrong."

"But you've always told me-" Yet again, Shuichi was silenced as he was helped to his feet, Saihara wrapped a strong arm around his shoulders.

"I know what I've always told you. 'Don't let your emotions show.'  But Shuichi, this is a completely different situation." Saihara led his nephew back towards the police tape. Neither said anything more, the only noise between the two was Shuichi's uncontrollable hiccups and sobs as they got into Saihara's car.


"Yes Shuichi?"

"Why are you here..." Shuichi stopped for a second before realising what he said and started to flail his arms around. "Wait no I mean- I'm glad to see you again but-"

"I know what you mean Shuichi. I was on my way home as soon as you told me about Kokichi being in the hospital, I actually got back yesterday but I was neatening a few things up with a case from back overseas, so I didn't have time to see you."

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