~ 9 ~ Gifts

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Upon waking up I felt cold and lonely, rubbing my eyes as I sat up and instantly became overwhelmed with panic. Shuichi wasn't lying next to me where he said he'd be, he wasn't even in my sight at all. What if he's in trouble? No shut up Kokichi. I slapped my cheek, hitting the negative thoughts from my head. Maybe he's just in the bathroom? I heaved my tired body off the bed and shuffled to the bathroom, knocking gently on the door. "Hey Shuichi? You in there?" There was no response. My breathing quickened as the negative thoughts came back, everything from him simply going on a walk to being dead in an alley was racing in my mind now.

Finally getting my shit together I decided to check the whole house before coming to conclusions, eventually finding my way to the kitchen where the emo bluenette was cooking breakfast. He turned and nodded at me in acknowledgment for a second before turning his attention back to the food on the stove. "Morning Kokichi, how did you sleep?"

I ran up to him and hugged him from behind with all my exhausted might, which I probably shouldn't have considering he could've been burned but luckily he wasn't. I hugged him tight and shouted, my voice muffled as my face was pressed to his back. "You idiot! I thought something had happened to you!" I felt like crying but managed to keep myself together for once. A common thought flashed through my mind, one I'd asked myself since meeting the detective. Why do I care about him so much?

Shuichi switched off the stove and turned around (as much as he could at least with me being attached to him) to attempt to hug me. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be that worried." I stayed in his arms for a few seconds before backing off. I loved hugging him but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or forced into anything. "I made breakfast?" Why was that a question?

My heart sunk as I realised what he was implying. "Shuichi I-" I was cut off before I could remind him of last night.

"You don't eat breakfast, right?" I shook my head. "That's why I made a small amount, that way you've eaten something to start the day. Breakfast is important." He cares enough to do that?

"God you sound like an over-enthusiastic nutritionist." I sighed overdramatically, "But I'll eat anyway if it makes you happy." Joy filled my heart as I watched him smile in response to my falsely exasperated expression. I made him happy! He plated the food and set it on the table, motioning for me to sit to which I obliged.

"Oh and Kokichi?" I hummed. "Do you want to go to the shops today? Just to get out of the house a bit?" My face lit up in excitement as I nodded furiously, trying not to scream with excitement. I was never able to go out often unless it was for school or if my parents wanted me to go with them somewhere, so I couldn't wait to hang out with someone who I loved dearly, even if I didn't think he would ever return those feelings. He laughed at my reaction as we ate our food.


My legs were about to fall off. We'd been walking around aimlessly chatting before Shuichi excitedly yanked me into a dimly lit store full of a mix of edgy clothes, accessories and random trinkets. I see why Shuichi's so excited about this place. I decided to browse the small shop whilst Shuichi went off and tried on a few things. The clothes were my style, but I preferred at least some colour rather than pure greyscale which was difficult to find in the mostly monochromatic sea of fabric.

Scanning the jewellery, my eyes were drawn to a small collection of necklaces. They had gold chains and a coloured (clearly plastic) gemstone hanging off the end. I was about to leave them but remembered the little money I had 'borrowed' from my mum a few weeks back that was still in my phone case. I bought two of the necklaces and quickly hid them in my pocket when Shuichi came out of the fitting rooms. I waited for him to buy the things he wanted before we both walked out, going back to aimlessly walking around the centre and chatting.

This time our conversation was different as I was now really nervous which obviously showed through my emotional barrier since Shuichi put a hand on my shoulder, concerned. "Are you alright?" Nodding at him, I put on a smile and hoping that if I ignored my nerves I wouldn't feel them anymore and therefore wouldn't show them, but unfortunately it didn't work that way this time around. "Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes but couldn't help a genuine smile at the boy's concern.

"Yes I'm fine! No need to worry Dad." I nudged him playfully with my elbow. He chuckled and unknowingly making my heart flutter. His smile and laugh was adorable and super contagious, making me react the same way in return every time without fail, but the big thing for me was why? Why did I feel this way around him, I still didn't understand it.

Shuichi took his hand off my shoulder and slowly interlocked it with mine, making me blush for the billionth time that day. "We should head back now, it's almost four-thirty and you need to get home on time." My heart dropped to the earth's core. I didn't want to leave my beloved but it wasn't not in my control, so what good would being sad do? Continuing to smile I slowly skipped next to him as we headed back to his house.


I couldn't help but feel upset as I packed my things back into my bag, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to be near Shuichi. I swung my bag over my shoulder, not being able to shake the feeling that I was missing something. I quickly realised what it was though as my hand came into contact with the lump in my pocket. "Hey Shumai~!" I spun around on my heels and faced the boy sitting on the bed. 

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand." My heart was about to beat out of my chest. What if he doesn't like it? Was it too cheap for a gift? Are we even close enough to give each other gifts?

Why is human interaction so difficult?!

"Uh, sure?" He questioned, yet still doing as I told him. I stood in front of him and placed the purple gemstone necklace in his hand, watching him jump slightly from the contact. He just closed his eyes so easily, is that because he trusts me?

"Aaaaaand open!" He obliged and I became filled with the joy that also filled his sparkling eyes. Oh thank fuck. "Do you like it?"

"Of course I do Kokichi, this is beautiful!" Like you. He raised his head to look at me and I swear I almost went blind from how bright his smile was. "But why are you giving it to me?"

I shifted my scarf to reveal the matching deep blue necklace hidden underneath it. "So we could be matching!" My cheeks hurt from smiling so much as he put his on, I genuinely thought he would hate either me, the necklace or both.

"Well I'm going to wear it every day then." He stood up and pulled me into the tightest hug he's ever given me, I swear I felt my ribs crack, but he let me go quickly so I didn't need to worry about suffocating.

My mood flipped one-eighty when he mentioned something I wished I could put off. "It's time to go home now, or you'll be late." I sighed and readjusted my scarf to hide the necklace which I knew my parents would take and destroy as soon as they saw it.

"Yeah... let's go."

Memories {Oumasai/Saiouma}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt