Should have known better pt.1

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Seven years of relationship should definitely mean something to her, Y/N thought. Only if she knows earlier that such naive thought will cause her to feel even more pain in the end.

Laughing at her own stupidity, Y/N picks up one last tissue paper from the box and wipes away her messy tears on her pretty face. The recently adopted puppy circles around her, and settles down in front of her legs when Y/N finally stops burying her head into her knees.

Y/N calls out her lovely pet with her raspy voice. As if to comfort her, Hank jumps into her arms and licks her already dried up tears away.

"Thank you,"
She pats his head and tugs him into her hug tighter.

"Do you want to go out for a walk?"
Hank replies with a soft woof.

"Alright, let's go,"
She has to pick herself up again, this is only the first step, days of neglecting necessary human interactions has made her feel so miserable.

She has to talk to someone about her breakup but her heart refuses to, she wants to keep it to herself for now. Thus, the seemingly endless crying is the consequence that she has to take.

In the park
"Good boy,"
Y/N feeds Hank another dog treat.

"Is that Y/N?"
Some random stranger suddenly recognises her, despite her well disguise.

"She broke up with Rosé a few days ago, didn't she?"

"I have heard that Rosé breaks up with her without telling her beforehand,"
That's true.

"How sad, she must be very upset,"
Of course.

Y/N answers their questions internally, she doesn't need their empathy but it is really inevitable as the break up news is announced publicly. Y/N knows the news at the same time as any other netizens though she should have received some warning beforehand but no, nothing. It's not fair, but considering that the person she was dating was Rosé, she should have expected it as well. You can call her selfish and all but Y/N is willing to die for her no matter what she does to her.

A fan girl shouts out her name out loud and all the attentions go to her just in a nick of time. Y/N heaves out a soft sigh and quickens her pace back to her house.

She urges as she increases her speed to return back home.

Back to home
Y/N is currently sitting in her warm bathtub, taking her own sweet time to get her thoughts together. Her mind is falling everywhere, she can't really concentrate on what to do next. In order to freshen up herself a little more, she immerses her face into the bathtub completely.

She scolds herself for being so childish and believes in love. Just three months ago, that woman was still able to say "I love you" to her so easily and the next day her attitude changed completely, she gave Y/N cold shoulder and found thousand excuses for not coming home. Y/N is always wondering what makes her changed so much and the answer is so simple, simply because all her love for Y/N is gone.

Y/N called her girlfriend out excitedly. Y/N just got back from her two months long tour and when she finally went back home, she was greeted with the empty house with no one inside. She then decided to dial Rosé's phone number to know her whereabout.

"Rosie, where are you?"
Y/N asked.

"I am at the bar,"
She answered nonchalantly.

"But didn't I tell you that I would be home today?"
Y/N asked in slight annoyance.

"You're not a child anymore, you don't need all my attention, I can do whatever I want, Y/N,"

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