chapter thirteen

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Did you really feel bad for him, seriously?

You had only felt anger and hate towards him, but now.. you felt..

...bad for him.

"Leave my mind alone." Loki said after he had wrapped the bandage around your arm.
He turned to look at you. He really had noticed that you tried to get into his mind again, although you knew you couldn't do it. Not just because he was blocking you, but because he was a god too.
"Loki, I can see without my powers that you're hurting. Your mind... it's hurting." you said gently this time. Actually first time ever you talked to him kindly.
Loki looked at you confused and surprised first, he clearly wondered too, how could you do that.
"It's not your problem so stay out of it." he replied and stood up back on his feet.
"It's hard to stay out of it because I'm here, captured by you, if you still remember?" you said after Loki had turned his back on you, again.

Suddenly you had started to feel little differently about him. After he had defended you, something had changed inside you. It was a weird feeling actually, something like... sympathy.

"Yes, I remember. But you really need to stay out of this." he replied while he had took out that weird golden weapon of his and now he was looking at it.
"Is it something to do with that?" you asked and looked at the weapon. It really didn't seem a normal kind of weapon to you.
"Just leave it already, okay?!" he raised his voice and looked at you. Not angrily this time, but exhausted. You glared at him, and then looked away, without responding.
Loki sighed and walked to the other side of the hall and sat down.


It was night and you were sleeping. Well actually, you weren't anymore. You had slowly woke up to the sound of talking.
You lifted your head and saw Loki, zoned out again, staring into nothing. He was talking to someone, just like before.

Then it hit you.

Maybe you could try to go inside his mind now, you had realized that he clearly was somewhere else and maybe he had no power to block you right now.
You managed all your power you had and focused on Loki. Suddenly you felt a huge headache when you tried to enter into his mind. It took all your powers and lot of pain to get in, but you did it. You had been right, he couldn't block you right know.

After you had managed yourself in, you looked around you curiously. The pain in your head had gone after you had entered in. It looked weird, it looked like you were in...

You looked around you and soon you saw Loki, in his full armor, standing in front of someone you didn't recognize.
They were talking, but you couldn't hear them properly.
You tried to get closer, but more closer you got, more the headache started to came back. But you didn't care, you wanted to know what the hell was going on.

You managed yourself close enough to hear what they were talking.
"This had taken too long for now, I want action!" the other guy you didn't recognize said to Loki.
"I assure you, it will happen soon." Loki replied politely. It seemed like the other guy was in charge in here.
"No, it has taken too long, you do it now or I'll kill the girl." the guy threatened.
"No need to, I promise I will do it soon, very soon." Loki convinced him, and then bowed deeply to show him his loyalty.
"Good, but if you betray me, I'll kill you and the girl." the man replied.

Did he meant you?

Loki was just about say something when he realized something was wrong. He looked carefully behind him, just at the direction where you were hiding. Then he turned his eyes quickly back at the guy and nodded as an accept.
Then something happened, and you felt the pain in your head again as everything around you disappeared and you were back in the hall.
Loki stood up and walked up to you, looking little angry this time.
"What were you thinking?!" he grumbled at you.
"Be glad for your luck that they didn't see you!" he added as he glared at you. His eyes had still those dark circles around them.
"What was that?!" you asked, little furiously. Loki didn't reply, but turned his back at you and looked at the ground.
"You don't need to know." he said and started to walk away from you.

Then it hit you, suddenly it all made sense. Why he looked so tired and exhausted all the time. Why he had those dark circled eyes. Why he seemed like he didn't want to do this, but he did anyway.
"Are they mind controlling you?" you asked firmly and Loki stopped. He turned on you again, he looked now more tired than ever and like he was in the point of breaking. He looked so... tortured.
He didn't say anything and just looked at you little sadly, but then turned back and walked away.
For some weird reason you felt sympathy towards Loki, you had no idea why. And you felt something else too...

You wanted to help him.

"Let me.... let me help you..." you mumbled a bit, just right when he was leaving the hall. He looked at you, but anger and frustration showed on his face.
"I don't need your help! I don't need you to pity me! Don't act like you care!" he growled at you and then he just left.

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