Chapter 12:The End of the Red Ribbon Army(Part 2)

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Totama: Well, at least he went out like a G.

He then heard loud stomps. He turned around and the walls and the ceilings started to crack. The stomps were getting louder and louder.

Totama:I need to get out of here!

He started to look around, looking for an open crack anywhere. He was running out of time and the building was going to collapse any second. The stomps got even louder. Totama lifted his hand and then proceeded to blast a hole out and flew out of the hole.

Totama looked around and flew up. He then seen a huge red robot, the red ribbon symbol.

???:Behold! The Battle Jacket! The strongest weapon in the whole world

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???:Behold! The Battle Jacket! The strongest weapon in the whole world.

Totama:What the hell is that?

The Battle Jacket began firing missiles at Totama who easily dodged them it then fired bullets also. It then began blasting a type of energy blast at Totama, which caught him off guard. He was dodging them and then once one hit him, they all started hitting him. He then dropped to the ground and quickly got up.

Totama:W-What the hell?!

Staff Officer Black:Ha! You are no match for me!

The Battle Jacket begins firing more missiles, except this time Totama dodged them all.

Totama:I have to find it's weak point!

He begins to scan the battle jacket. He then shoots a energy blast at its abdomen. But it does nothing.

Staff Officer Black:You think I didn't prepare for that, the Battle Jacket knows all of your attacks!


The Battle Jacket fires more missiles, they all hit Totama but they don't do any damage.

Totama:You know, those stupid thing are getting very annoying! And repetitive!

Totama:There's only glass at the head spot! That must be where the weakness is!

Totama begins to fly around the battle jacket, while dodging to some missiles be launched around him.

Totama:I really don't want to use this move.

Totama cupped his hands together and placed them in front on his torso, then extending his arms.


He then pulls them back to his side.



A blue energy orb lightens up in his hands.


He brings his arm out as the blue energy wave makes its way towards to battle jacket.


It aims towards the battle jackets head, then making a huge explosion. The battle jacket being destroyed.

Totama lands on his feet after the smoke clears and spots the Staff Officer.

He rushes towards him and grab his collar.

Totama:Why are you doing this.

Staff Officer Black:Why do you think. Idiot Kid!

Totama:Who is behind all of this!

Staff Officer Black:No need to worry about it now! I killed him


Staff Officer Black:Ha Ha Ha! I won't let him waste our wish on such a petty one, so I murdered him so we could take our position as the biggest and best army ever.


He puts his arm up and opens his palm, a energy orb appears in it.

Staff Officer Black:Kill me if you want...He won't let you get away with th—.

He was cut off as Totama fired a energy blast at him. He then gets up and sighs.

Totama:Wonder who he meant by 'he'.

General Blue:Who the hell are you?!

Goku:My names Goku, and you're not welcome here!

Goku uppercuts him, he then begins preparing his signature attack.

Goku:Ka! Me! Ha! Me! HAAAAAAAAAA!

The blue energy wave rapidly approaches General Blue, as it then swallowes him whole, killing him.

And that was the last Red Ribbon army members, or so we thought...

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