30┃the enemy of my enemy

Start from the beginning

"Well, well, well. Talk about going behind people's backs. You were hiding the fact that you are marrying the black sheep of the family. Isn't that hypocritical?" Lizzie smirks, thinking she had successfully turned the tables on her.

Mila shakes her head, smiling from Lizzie's amusing behavior. "Don't change the subject. What you did was still wrong. And I was going to tell you, I just didn't want to overwhelm you with everything all at once."

"Sure, you were."

"... Call it even?" Mila suggested with pursed lips.

Lizzie nodded, relieved. "Sounds good to me."

"Okay, you just worry about maintaining your appearance and the funeral and I'll go find Kai," Mila tells her. "Hopefully, he's alright."

"And we don't tell my dad about any of this."


After sharing a high-five, a symbol of their beneficial agreement, Lizzie and Mila go their separate ways. Lizzie continues cloaking herself as Hope, ready to boss some more people around so her standards are met. Mila goes out the way she came in, stepping out into the hallway.

It's times like this where she missed the perks of being a vampire. Before, she could have just focused her hearing and pinpointed Kai's location. Now, her only option is to wander and keep her eyes peeled for him. The knowledge that he couldn't have gone far kept her hopes up.

She dug her phone out of her pocket, deciding to embrace the human way of figuring out where someone is. She scrolled through her recent calls, slowing her pace, but before she could click on Kai's contact name, hands were on her.

Mila gasped at the unexpected contact. The device dropped to the floor. She panicked, thrashing in the strong arms that tightened around her like a boa constrictor. Her head slammed back, eliciting a pained groan from her captor, but then magic was enforced upon her, the kind that coerces you into unconsciousness. The last thing she perceived was another figure walking towards her, the dark colors of their dated outfit fading to black.


KAI LEAVES ALEX'S CLASSROOM satisfied. He didn't fulfill his fantasies of beheading him and tearing him apart limb by limb, but he had gotten what he needed. Kai had shown Alex his place, intimidated him, and came to the conclusion that if there was anything he was hiding, Kai would be able to handle it.

He decides to check in on Mila. It had been over an hour since he had left her and Lizzie to talk, so they had to be done with their conversation by now. Kai sifted through the noises the school emitted, rummaging through all the voices to search for a certain one. When he couldn't sense any indication of her presence, he closed his eyes and focused harder.

Dread snuck up on him after he came up with nothing once more. He did not like this one bit. Not knowing where Mila was, being aware of all the people in and out of this building that could harm her, tempted him into the realm of insanity. Kai would stop at nothing to make sure she was safe.

The first thing he did was speed outside to see if her car was still here. When he saw that it was and that his suspicions had been confirmed, he returned inside, determined to get answers.

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