18: Unite, Trio of Light

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~ Rose & Max & Xenon ~

As there is a passing period before class starts, Mimino is right by the window in the classroom, looking outside with many thoughts going on in her mind, and her silhouette is visible through the white long curtain.

Most of the time, Mimino would talk to herself while her classmates would talk to each other.

"I have a feeling that Queen Kasdeya is coming soon to this town just to drain nature's light. I have to do something quick, but how." Mimino asked herself in her mind. She additionally sighs, then looking up at the sky.

Until her phone rings from inside of her bag, Mimino takes it out and answers the call. "Hello?" She asked in a shy tone, on the other line was Kaito calling from DASH HQ.

"Hey Mimino, it's me Kaito." He replied. "Oh, it is you, sensei." Minino was relieved for a second. "I am calling you because of something important, also is there anything wrong? You sound timid over there." Kaito asked once more, but with worry.

"Nothing is wrong, some thoughts in my head are not that important. Anyways, you wanted to tell me something?" Mimino lightens up the mood in her voice.

"I was about to say that my partner, Xenon, contacted me and he said he wants to meet you. The rest of the news I can tell you later on, after school I will come to pick you up alright." Kaito explained. "Alright sensei, see you then." Mimino said her goodbye message as she hung up the phone call and put the phone back in her bag.

Footsteps were heard as a figure approached Mimino, it was her friend Hinako. Hinako takes a peek, sliding the curtain, as she sees her sitting on the window still. "There you are Mimiko, is this spot comfortable for you?" Hikako asked.

"Oh hey. I guess it is comfortable. Had been having some thoughts lately." Mimino replied. "Since when?" Hinako asked again. "Two days ago I began to have these deep thoughts." Mimino recalled, looking at Hinako.

Then, the bell rings as the class is about to start. "That is the bell, come on Mimiko. We got some learning to do." Hinako said as she grabbed Mimino's hand and persuades to cheer her up.

As when the two took a seat on their desks, the teacher started to teach. Even while the teacher is teaching, Mimino is focusing, but she tries not to think that much about those same thoughts.

As when time flew by fast, it was the end of the school day. Mimino walks out of the classroom heading towards the front courtyard still having those thoughts, but it only lasted for a bit and she is currently thinking of positive thoughts that can enlighten her mood.

Arriving at the front courtyard, there was Kaito waiting for her by the DASH Alfa vehicle. "There you are, having a good day at school today?" Kaito asked as he opened the passenger seat door for Mimino.

"Yeah, it has been a good day as usual." Mimino replied as she took a seat in the passenger side of the car and closed it by herself. Then, Kaito drives off to the park downtown of Sunshine Valley so the two can talk.

Soon after arriving at the park, Kaito and Mimino start walking side by side. "How come your partner Xenon wants to see me even though I have not met him yet?" Mimino asked. "When I was active as an Ultra, Xenon would be there if I was in trouble in a fight. It had been years since I last time saw him and most of all now Xenon wants to meet you. I also told him some things about you." Kaito explained.

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