12: Make Way for the Floral Princess

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The Holy Flower Garden, the place of floral paradise and creatures roam freely. There was a legend of the Rose Mirror that gains power to the worthy one who wishes to protect and heal the Earth, now after all these years since the mirror's creation, it is placed inside of a magical diamond prism located in the Celestial Vineyard area of the garden by the palace.

Laying on the swaying grass, there was Mimino and she sits up, looking all over the place with confusion. "Where am I?" She questioned herself.

Flashback to earlier how she ended up in the garden: Mimino was practicing using one of the blasters in a practice room with targets by herself at DASH HQ. As when she was reloading the next dozen bullets, a sudden green aura gleams in front of her and then it expands into a magical doorway as Mimino sees the light as she sets aside the blaster, walking closer towards it.

Leaning closer, the portal sucked Mimino inside and it closed itself shut afterwards resulting in Mimino to land on the spot where she sat.

Seraph Lotus walked up, offering her hand to Mimino as Mimino accepted the offer standing up from the ground. "Where am I, Seraph Lotus?" Mimino asked. "Welcome to the Holy Flower Garden. I called you here to tell you something important." Seraph Lotus replied. "What is the news?" Mimino wondered.

"While you were fighting, I had a sensation of a dark aura coming and you must accept this challenge to face it." Lotus explained. "If you accept, you must head to the Celestial Vineyard and be noble to the Rose Mirror as its new master and gain a new miracle." She added on. "I accept the challenge, whatever it takes to save the nature of Earth. What direction is the vineyard?" Mimino replied after thinking about a response.

Lotus pointed to the Northern direction with her staff. "Miles north from here is the Celestial Vineyard. You can use your palette as your compass and it will have a light as a guide if you get lost. I praise you luck, Mimino." Lotus replied as Mimino gave her a salute and started to walk north towards the vineyard as her first quest to achieve new power.

Roaming through the forest of the garden, Mimino is on the right track to follow rather than being lost since the forest is huge, filled with a lot of trees, humble animals, and majestic plants.

The atmosphere of the area is peaceful, only the sound of birds are only heard. "This place, it is so beautiful." Minino commented until a sound of a harp flowed through her mind. "Uh? That sound- it's like calling me." She wondered as she kept on walking that would lead her to the Celestial Vineyard soon arriving.

The entrance of the vineyard contains a silver fence with a golden gate, there's a castle as well in view. The gate was open and Mimino walked in as she saw a new place of paradise in front of her eyes. "I made it, the Celestial Vineyard! That mirror must be here somewhere." Mimino said as she continued to follow the harp sound.

As she was about to get closer to the destination of the mirror that is trapped in a prism, Adame unexpedly appeared out of nowhere. "We meet again, fair maiden." Adame smirked. "You- what do you want now." Mimino asked as she had her hands holding her pistol from its holder on the uniform leggings, ready to use it.

"I had followed you over here just to destroy you." Adame replied to the question, sharpening his sword's blade and he walked towards Mimino. Mimino had to step back, pointing the pistol at Adame and she began to shoot bullets at him. Adame uses his sword to deflect the attack away.

Then, Mimino bumps into an object that fell off its sitting place and lands on her hands when there was no extra space to step back further. "You have nowhere else to go, this place is now where you meet your doom!" Adame exclaimed as he readied his sword for an attack.

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