17: Jet Simulation

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It had been a couple days after when Mimino visited Nebula M78 and fought Zetton on Planet Arb. What a wild field trip it was, even she met Zero and Hikari during her galactic adventure.

Now, she is with Mizuki in a simulation room at DASH HQ because Mizuki promised to Mimino that she would teach her how to fly a jet in preparation for aerial battles.

"Are you ready to try out the simulation of flying one of our jets on board?" Mizuki asked. "What type of jet am I trying out?" Mimino curiously asked as she put on the helmet. "DASH Bird 1, that is the jet the whole simulation is about. It has a high speed of mach 7 outside of the stratosphere" Mizuki replied.

"I will try my best to succeed in this simulation and I am ready." Mimino accepted the challenge. "That is what I like to hear. When ready, head on in the room and buckle up, then I will assist you through the next steps." Mizuki informed, Mimino nodded as she walks into the room, getting comfortable and buckling up to start the simulation.

"Before we start, I need to say a few things. In front of you will be a screen of an aerial battle against a randomized kaiju. There will be other planes surrounding the area, don't you worry and the seat behind you will be your imaginary passenger that will assist as the situation occurs. The main task for you, as a beginner, is to gain control of the jet in attack mode and fight the kaiju with the buttons around you on the board." Mizuki informed.

"Are there some other things this jet can do?" Mimino asked. "There are, but it's on the expert level of performing formation. When ready, let me know and I will start it off." Mizuki replied. "I am ready, bring it on." Mimino replies as Mizuki starts the simulation.

As when Mizuki starts the simulation, the screen turns on showing an aerial battle scene against a kaiju. It finally starts the training as Mimino holds the steering wheel. As her jet approaches the kaiju, she presses a button to fire bullets from the cannon and swiftly turns the jet to the side as the bullets hit the kaiju.

"So far so good." Mimino said to herself. Minutes after the simulation, it was a success after all beating the kaiju, Mimino exits the simulation room reuniting with Mizuki.

"You did well, Mimino." Mizuki commented. "I really did good on my first try." Mimino replied as the two laughed. Until the alarm sounded causing the sirens to wail, a signal for the attack team to board the DASH Mother Jet and prepare for battle.

"We must hurry to the Mother jet, it is time for an actual fight." Mizuki said as Mimino nodded and the two ran towards the docks where the mother jet was parked. "I will pilot the Bird 1 jet solo." Mimino said confidently. "But Mimino, you're still a beginner at flying." Mizuki replied with concern.

"Trust me, I can do it myself and use what skills you taught me earlier." Mimino called back. "Alright then, I will let you fly solo. The other jets will give you backup just in case." Mizuki replied with a decision.

As when both Mizuki and Mimino arrived at the mother jet, they all headed inside after Mizuki put on her helmet. Mimino was alone in the Bird 1 Jet while the others were boarding the Bird 2 and 3 jets. As when the gates are opening up, the mother jet powers on and its engines spin fast, the captain of the jet asks the three bird jets one by one if ready.

"DASH Bird 1, do you read me?" The captain asked on the intercom. "Yes sir, heard you loud and clear." Mimino replied as she put her hands on the steering wheel. The other two jets responded the same as then the Mother Jet took off, soaring to the sky.

Soon arriving right by the location where the trouble is, the mother jets released the doors for the three bird jets. It was a tiger swallowtail solinsec who was causing the trouble and it was smashing objects in its way with its wings.

The runway for the jets pushes forward as it flies out, Mimino contains the balance of her jet while high in the air.  Also, the Bird Jets change formation into attack mode automatically. "Alright, I can do this!" Mimino said to herself as she fires bullets towards the solinsec as the other jets do the same as well.

The bullets were hitting the solinsec as it was pushed back a bit. "Nice shot, Mimino!" Kaito commented, he was on the bird 2 jet with Mizuki. "Thanks sensei, better thank Mizuki for that." Mimino replied as she controlled the ship to turn around.

While she is turning, the solinsec uses its wings to slap the jet as the bird 1 jet was pushed by force towards the ground. The force was so strong, Mimino cannot regain control. "The jet has been attacked. Need backup quickly." Mimino warned.

"We got you covered." The pilot of bird 3 jet replied back as the other two jets backed up with an attack.

It was a good time for Mimino to transform quickly before the jet could crash land to the ground. Mimino decided to take out her rose palette and bud stylus, she then opened the palette and pressed the three big buttons with the stylus. BLOOM, POWER OF THE ROSE! "I ask for the power to protect, magical rose translate!" She shouted to activate the transformation.

After the rise, Rose quickly catches the DASH bird 1 jet with her giant hands, then she places it on the ground gently; Rose walks closer towards the solinsec.

"Set aside, I got this. For now, land on the ground next to the other jet." Rose warned the two other jets as the two jets followed her suggestion to safely park on the ground while Rose fought the solinsec. Meanwhile on the ground, the crew got out of the jets to look at the battle scene.

As when Rose runs towards the solinsec, approaching closer and closer, the tiger swallowtail solinsec flaps its wings fast to release a gust of heavy winds. The wind was so strong, Rose had to cover herself as she put up her floral barrier to clear the path and she rushed back with the shield at her disposal.

Getting closer to the solinsec, the gust of wind deflected on the shield forcing it to blow at the solinsec as the tiger swallowtail was being pushed back. At last, the gust of wind clears away and Rose lowers her shield.

"That was sorta easy, all I need to do now is purify quickly before it can release more winds at me." Mimino suggested to herself. Opening the palette, she presses the 5 colorful buttons and the big button next to it also glows afterwards. HEAL THE EARTH, MODE ELEGANT! "Grant me the power of healing, Grand Floral Royale!" She imaginary draws a white four leaf flower, inserts the stylus on the palate, then raises the pallet high in the air, transforming to Grand Floral Princess.

After the form change, the Rose Mirror appears in her hands. "Time for you, tiger swallowtail solinsec, to be purified!" She exclaimed.

For the quick finisher, Mimino spins the roulette wheel on the mirror as it lands on a violet rose emblem and it automatically presses down the ornament that is on top in order to activate the attack. "Let the power of all nature gather the light into one!" She exclaimed as a silver-white huge rose appeared in front of her.

"Grand Tourbillon Hurricane!" Mimino swings the mirror at the rose to create shards releasing the attack. Then, the tiger swallowtail solinsect fades away in defeat, purified.

After the victory, Rose flies high in the air soaring while Mimino de transforms back to normal size. She lands on the exact same spot of the battle, then Mimino hurries back towards the others by the jets. "You alright after when that bug attacked the jet?" Mizuki asked in concern.

"Yeah, I am alright. The giant really saved me after all and kindly placed the jet here on the ground safely." Mimino replied. "I did not know that you were flying the bird jet 1 by yourself." Kaito said, impressed. "I better thank Mizuki once more for sealing the deal." Mimino replied with a slight chuckle.

Mimino's first day of flying a jet as a success. She might fly more often in battles to be more comfortable to do solo or with a teammate.

Meanwhile on the Abyss Gate, Queen Kasdeya is starting to feel furious about what she saw in the battles until recently when Rose defeated the tiger swallowtail solinsec easily. As the fight to save Earth's beauty comes to a climax and it is up to Rose to use whatever she got to win against the upcoming intensity.

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