11: New Recruit of DASH

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In the Kurumi household, Mimino was on her way to the mailbox in front of the house. Opening up the handle, there were some envelopes as most were white while one of them was red colored.

Mimino took it out, looking at the red envelope which contains the DASH logo in the corner. "That logo, did Kaito send me this?" She asked herself as she heads back inside of the house curiously wondering what the letter holds for Mimino.

Her parents saw the mail bought in from the mailbox outside, seeing the red one in her hand. "What did you get over there? Is it for you?" Mrs. Kurimi asked. "Looks like this is for me." Mimino responded as she placed down the other envelopes on the table.

"Open it and see what it is for." Mrs. Kurumi added on as Mimino opened the envelope ripping the top part, then taking out a nicely folded paper.

Reading the paper, it reads: "Dear Miss. Mimino Kurumi, your mentor Kaito Touma had decided to invite you to DASH headquarters and be part of our team. We will do everything we can to help you improve your fighting skills in battle. Kaito will escort you from your household to base. See you there! From, team DASH."

After reading the letter, Mimino's eyes widened. "I am invited to join a defense force!!" She squealed with joy as both parents smiled at Mimino. "I am proud of you my sweet flower. Go on and join the defense force. I am sure you can do it." Mr. Kurumi complimented. "Thanks, dad!" Mimino thanked her dad, then a red and silver DASH Alfa car pulled up by the household doorway.

As the doorbell rings, Mimino hurries towards the door opening it and there is Kaito standing there. "We meet again, Mimino. I hope you have received the letter." Kaito greeted her.

"I did receive the letter and glad to see you again." Mimino replied. "Grab whatever you may need and we will head to base." Kaito added on as he entered the house politely for a bit as when Mimino nodded with a grin and rushed to grab whatever she may need in a drawstring bag.

Moments later, she has her necessities ready to go and meets up again with Kaito downstairs, then the two heads out towards the DASH Alfa vehicle after when Mimino said her quick farewells to her parents.

Soon, they arrived in front of headquarters, Mimino was looking at the building as she got out of the car. "Wow, this place is huge." She commented. "This place will be like your new workplace during your duties as an Ultra. I will guide you around and get you settled with the uniform." Kaito pointed out as he led the way and Mimino followed from behind.

After settling in the building, Mimino comes out from the ladies locker room, wearing the DASH uniform and Kaito looks at her. "You look very professional, now we get down to business. First off, meet the other members." Kaito said. "Roger!" Mimino replied with a salute as the two walked towards the main room of the headquarters.

Soon arriving in the main room, Captain Hijikata saw Kaito and Mimino come in. "Welcome back, Kaito. I see you bought in the rookie with us." He said. "Yes captain, I will aid her through training." Kaito replied with a salute.

The captain turns to look at Mimino with a gentle smile. "You must be Miss. Mimino Kurumi, am I right?" Hijikata asked her as Mimino nodded in reply with a bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you all, I will try my best to fight and protect Earth." She added on. After the quick introductions, Mimino got a chance to meet her new teammates and the supervisor as well.

All of a sudden, an alarm sounded when Elly, the robot operator, pulled up the scene on the holographic computer showing a ladybug type pollen bug rampaging. "A kaiju approaching point C-14." Elly recalled. Mimino looks at what the operator just said, then she realizes that she has to keep her secret, then Mimino whispered in Kaito's ear to let him know that she has to fight it.

Then, Mimino hurries back to grab her Rose Palette. Right before the captain gave orders, he looked around and suddenly noticed that the rookie was not there. "Where's the newbie? Did she go somewhere?" The captain asked, looking at Kaito. "Don't worry captain, she got the bug under control since she is a professional at fighting those." Kaito replied.

Mimino shut the door, locking it, after she came back to the locker room. Digging into her bag, finally taking out her Rose Palette and bud stylus. "A battle on my first day on the job eh? Bring it on." She exclaimed with confidence, then opened the palette and pressed the three big buttons with the stylus. BLOOM, POWER OF THE ROSE! "I ask for the power to protect, magical rose translate!" She shouted to activate the transformation.

After the rise, Rose appears at the battle scene and her appearance was visible on the screen at HQ.

"Who is that giant?" Kenjiro Koba, the team's sharpshooter, went into full shock. Even the rest of the team felt the same way as well. "Her name is Rose, Ultrawoman Rose. She is the warrior of nature." Kaito said. Back in the battlefield, Rose was fighting Psyllo, the name of the ladybug type pollen bug.

As the fight continues on, Rose attempts a tackle but Psyllo flies up with its wings to avoid the attack and she flies up to catch up. "Pixie Dust Trap!" Mimino shouted as she released small dust towards Psyllo, resulting for the bug to be captured in midair.

Clenching her fist, a huge bud appears in front of Rose as she spreads arms out and into the signature Ultra cross finisher. "Rose Tourbillon Ray!" As when she releases the attack, it finally thrusted through Psyllo causing the bug to explode in defeat.

Rose looks up at the sky, soaring higher back into space and Mimino detransforms, landing on the exact same spot inside of the locker room.

She puts away her palette and bud stylus back in her bag, closing the bag shut completely. "That was close, I wonder what the others think of my fighting." Mimino took a deep breath and she unlocks the door about to walk back to the main room.

Upon opening the door, Mizuki Koishikawa, one of the members of DASH who is an excellent pilot, was standing there to check to find her. "There you are, rookie. We have been worried about you." Mizuki said to Mimino.

Mimino chuckled a bit, "Sorry, I had to check on something." she replied. "Come, I will teach you one day how to fly one of our fighting jets." Mizuki promised to her as she put her hand on Mimino's shoulder and the two girls walked back together.

Meanwhile at the Holy Flower Garden, Seraph Lotus Flattersky suddenly felt something coming. She knew what it meant, which was that time was about to come for a stronger force of negative nature. "I need to get Mimino to come here, she is the only hope to face this bad aura." Lotus said to herself.

"The Floral Mirror contains the grand power of this garden that can choose the noble one. Mimino must be the noble one that can use its power." Lotus added on with suspense.

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