10: Arrival of the Kaiju Hunter

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The day begins on a Saturday morning, Mimino wakes up as her alarm clock rings and she turns it off. Stretching her arms wide, Mimino suddenly had a dream while sleeping soundly and she got out of bed quickly, rushing to her desk.

As she sits down on her desk, Mimino takes out a piece of lined paper and a pen. "This dream... I must sketch it down." She scribbles on the paper what Mimino saw in her dream.

The sketch resembles herself with another female ultra hero fighting together against a monster. That other hero has knight-like armor, she like came from outer space for an urgent rescue.

Mimino soon finished the sketch, looking at the picture. "What was that dream about? I need some answers." She asked herself as Mimino placed it down on the desk, got up from the chair, and headed downstairs to greet her parents for the morning.

Meanwhile in outer space, an ultra warrior named Hunter was head to head against a kaiju named Eleking. Her job is to tame kaijus and use the monsters in her disposal as support. Hunter was about to tame Eleking, but the kaiju rampaged out of control and it pushed Hunter back resulting in her to tumble down.

Eleking roared as it escapes the scene and heads towards Earth. "Oh no, I won't let this monster attack Earth and I must catch up quickly!" Hunter exclaimed as she stood up and flew behind Eleking to catch up.

Back on earth, Mimino was walking towards downtown to do a quick errand for her parents by going to the hardware store to take pictures of the price tags of the items her list says. While looking at the aisle, Mimino still got that thought in her head about her drawing. "Not this again.. why is this thought still in my head. I just want a bit of peace in mind." Mimino mumbled to herself.

Then all of a sudden, a female voice was talking to her in Mimino's mind while she was in the middle of doing the first errand.
"Rose... you must hurry and catch a kaiju that is approaching Earth... fight it until I come..."
That voice fades away as Mimino reflects many times on what it said to her. "Catch a kaiju? Fight it until I come?" Mimino had so many questions to ask as she finished the last thing on her list and exited the store.

As when Mimino stepped out of the store, a thumping noise came around the corner as Eleking approached the city. She turns towards its direction, "So is that the kaiju this voice is telling me? I guess I have to follow what it tells me to do." Mimino said as she ran towards Eleking.

While running, she opens the palette and presses the three big buttons with the stylus. BLOOM, POWER OF THE ROSE! "I ask for the power to protect, magical rose translate!" She shouted to activate the transformation.

After the rise, Rose fies towards Eleking, causing the kaiju to stop approaching the city. She fights the kaiju while Mimino waits for the voice to come to the scene. As the battle goes on, Eleking uses its horns to release electric bolts, causing the bolt to attack Rose with a shock in the chest.

Feeling the bolts' electricity, Rose tumbles to the ground, not so severely injured as she covers her chest wound with her arm. "Dang it, that monster is rampaging like crazy. Even this shock hurt me." Mimino said to herself as Eleking started to walk close to Rose.

Until, another female giant lands on the ground in front of her, shoving Eleking back. The giant turned her head to Rose. "You alright, Ultrawoman Rose?" She asked.

Mimino sees the giant look at her. "Um, I am alright. You're that voice that was talking to my head!" She remembers what she saw on the paper in the morning, the exact same giant Mimino drew. "How did you know my name?" She added on. The giant's name is Ultrawoman Hunter.

Hunter offered her hand to Rose, Rose accepts the offer and she stands up with the help from Hunter. "My name is Ultrawoman Hunter, I know some things about you because your mentor Max told me." Hunter introduced herself.

Interrupting the conversation, Eleking charges its horns once more as both Rose and Hunter look at Eleking. "We need to do something. Lend me your power and I will do the same thing to you." Hunter suggested. "Is that a good idea?" Rose asked. "Trust me, it will work and we can tame this beast together." Hunter replied.

Securing the trust between the two Ultras, Rose shared a piece of her powers to Hunter and Hunter does the same as they share. They earned a new form to fight with each other's powers.

In Mimino's hand, a white rose bud stylus with Hunter's design embroidered on it, lands on her hand. She presses a button that is located right by Hunter's color timer and places the stylus on the top part of the rose palette. ULTRAWOMAN HUNTER! "I'll be borrowing the power of the Kaiju Hunter, Guardian Hunter Translate!" Mimino shouted as she raised her palette in the air. After shouting the phrase, a white magical dust surrounds her forming armor that looks like Hunter.

While for Hunter, a new Ultra coin was made from Rose's power. "Rose, I'm borrowing your power!" ULTRAWOMAN HUNTER! ULTRAWOMAN ROSE! ULTRAWOMAN HUNTER FLORAL SERAPH FORM! Hunter's body changes into a new form that contains Rose's floral powers.

The two changes form into a new form based on each other. As the two fighted on, they got a huge advantage to finish Eleking and tame it, also the two girls prepared the finisher.

Aiming the attacks at Eleking, Hunter and Rose are ready to release the attack. "Hunter Radiance Ray!" Rose shouted, "Seraph Tourbillon Radiance!" Hunter shouted afterwards as they released the attacks at Eleking.

Then, Eleking was finally tamed into a gimmick that Hunter uses for kaijus landing on her hands, resulting in a victory. Hunter and Rose look at each other, nodding and shaking hands; then they soar in the air together. It was just in time before Rose's color timer beeps.

Mimino is now back to normal size in the same spot of the battle, still holding the new Hunter stylus in hand. A girl named Jessica walked up to her, she is Ultrawoman Hunter, and Mimino saw her coming. "Well done out there, Rose." Jessica started. "Um- thanks. Wait, is that you Hunter?" Mimino asked in surprise as Jessica nodded a yes. "Sure is, I was looking all over for you and here we are." Jessica replied, giving a smile.

"I should thank you for helping me out." Mimino thanked Jessica. "It is my pleasure to help you." Jessica replied once more, repaying to help. As the day continues on, the two girls start to hang out having a friend bond between them.

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