"Let her go. This is between us.", Davide said which made me frown. I thought he hated me after what I said to him.
"I don't give a shit. And your wife is next.", Russo states coldly.
"Don't you dare to even say that!", Davide screamed.
"Why not? Last time I checked I can pull the trigger right now." Russo pressed the gun against my temple and I stared at Matteo.

His eyes held worry and fear. He never tore his gaze away from me and seeing him this hurt made my heart ache.
I don't want him to see me die. He can't go through this again. After his grandfather was killed right in front of his eyes he can't see another person he cares about die.

"Matteo please go.", I said causing everyone to turn their gazes towards me.
"I won't leave you.", he answered softly.
"Go!", I screamed. Tears were now rolling down my cheeks and I was able to spot the sadness in Matteos eyes.
"Please.", I interrupted him. My vision remained blurred from the tears that were leaving my eyes.

"Matteo listen to her.", his father said.
"No, I can't leave her dad."

Did he just say dad? Does that mean they made up? Ok, now I can die happy.

"No one gets to leave!", Russo screamed.
"You won't ever get away. Everyone is after you.", Matteo stated.
"Because I broke that rule? I don't care. Nobody will kill me and I'll rise as the most powerful mafia leader that ever existed."
"You will die today.", I said trying to provoke a reaction out of Russo.

But he didn't react. While Davide and Matteo were staring at me scared that Russo would kill me right now, nothing happened. It felt like minutes passed as we stood there in complete silence. You could have heard a pin drop.

"Let's make an exchange.", Matteo spoke up first.

"You can't give me anything that I want more than killing her.", Russo answered.

"My life for hers.", Matteo offered.

"Ok I take my word back. That's even better it's-"

"NO DON'T! That's exactly what he wants. Matteo please go. Stay alive and become even more powerful than you already are. Make Russo regret this.", I shouted.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Just turn around and walk away, please!", I pleaded.

"I can't live without you. I'm not going.", Matteo told me.

"Isn't this cute. Hate to ruin this moment but I would actually like to accept your offer Mr. Rizzo.", Russo said.

"No that won't happen!", I screamed again.

"It's not your choice. Shut up bitch." Russo tightened his grip on my throat leaving me gasping for air.

"How do you want to make the exchange?", Matteo asked.

"Your father has to leave. Then you're going to drop all of your weapons and come over to me. I'll let her go as soon as you're close enough."

"This is fucking stupid! How can you trust each other that no one will try something?", I questioned them.

"I'll let you go around the corner before I take Matteos life.", Russo stated.

"Emily is right. That's stupid.", Davide intervened.

"Dad go now.", Matteo commanded him coldly.

"I told you I don't want to loose y-"

"Go!", Matteo snapped at him.

His father looked at him for a few seconds. Then he pulled him in a hug and turned around to walk away. As soon as he was out of sight Matteo started taking steps towards us.

"Don't!", I screamed. "Matteo please don't." But he didn't stop and kept on walking towards us. "Don't! I hate you!"

After he heard those words he stopped walking and stared into my eyes. A million emotions and questions were running through them trying to figure out if I really meant what I said. Judging his facial expression I knew he didn't believe that I hate him.

"Emily let me-", Matteo started talking.

"No stop. Turn around and go."
"I won't leave you."

"I love you Matteo. If you like me even a little then you'll go now.", I said.

"Because I love you I won't leave you.", Matteo stated.

His words made my heart flutter and break at the same time. Flutter because he truly loves me. Break because we won't get the chance to grow old together. One of us has to die. And it's going to be me.

As Matteo continued walking towards us Russo held up a hand and stopped him.
"Drop your weapons right where you're standing.", he ordered.

Matteo did what Russo said and continued to walk towards us. He stopped walking when he stood a couple of steps away from me and Russo.

"Let her go now.",Matteo said.
"Don't try anything.", Russo warned him and he nodded. Then Russo let go of me and I was free to walk away. "Ms. Potters don't even think about going close to your beloved boyfriend. Or I'll shoot you too."

I made my way down the hallway and when I reached Matteo I stared at him with tears in my eyes. He was close but also too far away. I couldn't touch him. I couldn't hold or kiss him. My heart was breaking into a million pieces as he looked away and gestured me to keep on walking.

And I did what he wanted. Turning around the corner I was out of sight. In front of me was Davide. Looking up at him I saw sadness in his eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug as he waited for a gunshot.

I can't let Matteo die. He has a real family that would break if he is gone. It has to be me.

With those thoughts in my head I pulled away from the hug and stared into David's eyes.
"Thank you for finally accepting your real feelings and opening up to Matteo. You and your wife have been really kind to me. I'm honoured that I got to be in your life. I love your son with all of my heart which means I have to do this.", I stated.

Davide looked at me confused and unsure of what I meant. Before he could stop me I ran back into the hallway and made my way towards the men who haven't noticed me running to them yet.

I saw Russo raising his gun and aiming at Matteos chest. His finger was pulling on the trigger.
Just in time I got in front of Matteo when the gunshot was fired. It hit right in my chest a little above my breasts. My body immediately went numb and I fell down to the floor. Then there was another gunshot and I saw Russo falling to the ground.

"No no no!", Matteo screamed leaning over me and my vision became blurry as tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Why would you do this?"

When I didn't answer he panicked and shook my body. But I felt all strength leaving me and closed my eyes.

"Emily. Don't leave me!", Matteo yelled as everything went black. Darkness consumed me and I knew this was it.


Is Emily dead?

How will everything affect Matteo?

Sorry for the cliffhanger...jk I'm not sorry
How was your day so far? I hope you had a great one!
Love you🖤

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