"But it seems like he wants to be alone all the time, even though he's living here."

It had been a week and Ryuga didn't seem to be feeling any better. He still avoided Kenta's parents, in fact, he avoided any and all social interaction with anyone besides Kenta, and he still seemed so indifferent day in and day out. *He's lost his passion.*

"He just needs space," Kenta's mom insisted, "He seemed really upset when he called me."

Kenta looked up at her in surprise. "He called you?"

"He thought we were mad at him for not coming home."

"Why would he think that?!" Kenta gasped, nearly dropping his spoon.

"I don't know," his mother sighed. "It was good of him to check in of course, but it was... worrying." She turned to Kenta's dad, who dipped his head.

"I know it's none of our business but it makes me wonder if something happened to the kid," he spoke in a low voice, as if he didn't want Kenta to hear.

Kenta's mother nodded. "Oh, I think that's for certain."

Kenta didn't want to tell his parents that they were right: something had indeed happened to Ryuga... at Battle Bladers. However, he didn't see how that event would make Ryuga wary of Kenta's parents. There was no connection. *Is this a side effect of him missing Beyblade or is this a separate problem altogether?*

Regardless, Kenta knew one thing was true: the happiest he had ever seen Ryuga was when he was Beyblading. *There has to be some way he can Beyblade again.* Then he got an idea. Ryuga didn't want to replace L-Drago likely because he believed no Beyblade could match its power, and he was somewhat correct. However, if he could design the bey himself... It seemed like a stretch but maybe Ryuga would be willing to try. The WBBA on the other hand...

*I have to at least try. Ryuga gave up his power for me, this is the least I can do for him in return.*

Once Kenta finished his breakfast, he went on his phone. He looked at his contacts. Gingka had spent the day yesterday with his dad but he was probably free now.

-Kenta: Gingka, can you meet me at bey park?-

-Gingka: For a bey battle?-

-Kenta: No, Sagittario's still damaged. I just need to talk to you about something.-

-Gingka: Uhhhhhhhh okay.-

Kenta stood up and glanced at his parents.

"I'm going to see Gingka. Can you tell Ryuga I'm leaving?" *Since he hates being alone with you so much,* Kenta added silently to himself.

His dad nodded. "Sure thing, kiddo."

"Have fun with your friend!" His mom called as he walked out the front door.

Kenta made his way toward Bey park, checking his phone every now and then to see if he had any messages from Gingka. He stopped in front of the building and looked around. Gingka was nowhere in sight. Kenta looked at his phone again, letting out a sigh.

"Hi Kenta!" Kenta perked up at the sound of Gingka's voice.

"Hey, Gingka!" Kenta greeted, putting his phone away. "How was your day with your dad?"

"Pretty good," Gingka answered, stopping in front of him. "So what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"I, uh..." *Okay, right to the point.* "I want to ask your dad something," Kenta admitted, shifting in place a bit.

Ryuga's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now