Chapter 4

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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga walked through the forest. He had spent the last week living with Kenta and his parents. Though he tried to avoid Kenta's parents, they made it difficult by always checking on him and insisting the four of them eat together as a "family." A family Ryuga wasn't part of. Kenta's parents were weirdly welcoming as ever, making Ryuga uneasy. He was somewhat grateful. However, he was starting to suspect Kenta's parents were expecting something in return for all that they were doing for him. They had to. Why else would they be treating him nicely? Whatever the reason, Ryuga needed a break from all of them every now and then so he went outside on walks in the nearby forest to clear his head, like he was currently doing right now. It was the only time he could guarantee he would be alone for long periods of time. It was peaceful.

Once he returned to the house, Kenta and his parents were in the living room, seemingly waiting for him.

"Ryuga!" Kenta's mother gasped, staring at him with wide eyes. "Where have you been?"

Ryuga stiffened. *Are they mad?*

"I went for a walk..." he grunted, closing the door behind him. "Like I've been doing every day."

Kenta's mother let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness."

"You need to let us know before you just disappear like that," Kenta's dad added, his eyes narrowed sternly. "You were gone for hours."

Ryuga's eyes narrowed as well. "I did nothing wrong," he argued, taking a step back.

"Well, no, not wrong," Kenta's mother's tone was more gentle, but still stern. "We were just worried about you. Please, just tell us where you're going before you take off, can you agree to that?"

She waited for an answer. Ryuga clenched his fist. *So this is what they want: to control me... just like Doji did.*

"Fine," Ryuga grunted.

The woman smiled. "Thank you, sweetie."

Ryuga bit back a growl. Kenta's parents hadn't ceased with the insulting nicknames and getting them to knock it off was useless. Ryuga started toward the basement entrance.

"Wait, Ryuga!" Kenta's dad called.

Ryuga stopped, gazing back at the man. He walked toward him and held out a small device.

"Since you're going to be here for a while, we got you this."

Ryuga took the device, staring at it for a few moments. He had seen Kenta and his parents using these before but had never used one himself.

"What is it?" Ryuga asked, instantly feeling stupid.

However, Kenta's dad didn't seem to mind as he explained, "It's a phone. We added our numbers and Kenta's into it so you can call or message us from anywhere."

"Er... thanks." Ryuga took a step back, his gaze transfixed on the device.

"Oh, of course, you don't know how to use it..." Kenta's dad reached toward Ryuga.

"I can figure it out," Ryuga growled, flinching away before the man could touch him. "I don't need your help."

Kenta's dad looked unsure. "Alright, if you say so, kiddo..."

Ryuga gazed at the phone in his hands for a few moments, trying to look like he knew what he was doing. Thankfully, he didn't have to pretend long.

"Alright honey, we're ready to leave then?" Kenta's mother asked, gazing at her husband.

"Leave?" Kenta asked, sounding alarmed. He had been so quiet that Ryuga had nearly forgotten the kid was here. "Where are you going?"

"Just to the store," she answered. Ryuga had to bite back a sigh of relief. *Finally, I don't have to hide in the basement.*

Ryuga's ReturnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora