Chapter 2

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Kenta's POV (Yes, I know, odd choice, but bear with me)

Kenta followed Gingka and Madoka into the shop. The others trailed after them, filing into the store after them one or a few at a time. Kenta and Gingka placed Sagittario and Pegasus respectively on the counter then stepped aside to allow the others to do the same. The shop had never been more crowded. Kyoya, Tsubasa, and Yu put their Beyblades on the counter followed by Yuki, Masamune, and several others that Kenta knew to be the Legendary Bladers. They all looked completely beat and worn out. Everyone's hair was sticking out in several directions while their outfits were torn and ragged. Some even had scars or other marks on their skin.

Madoka began collecting the Beyblades on her counter. A few people filed out of the shop. Masamune and his friends, Zeo, Toby, and a blue-haired kid Kenta scarcely knew, left together, chatting and amongst themselves.

"I'll show you guys around the city," Masamune was saying, "Since we're gonna be here for a few days at least."

"We should get some food," the blue-haired kid replied, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

The four kids laughed as they left. Some of the other Legendary Bladers followed their lead and left as well. With a start, Kenta realized he hadn't seen Ryuga in a while. He looked around then spotted him. Ryuga looked just as dishevelled as the others. His skin was covered in cuts and scrapes, he was missing his white jacket and the rest of his clothes were in tatters. It made him look like a homeless person, which of course he was, but it wasn't normally this obvious.

Ryuga was leaning against the wall, his gaze intent on the display Beyblades in the glass. He was noticeably far away from the others. Two of the Legendary Bladers, a little kid and a tall purple-haired man, stood on the opposite side of the store talking. Meanwhile, everyone else was near the counter with Madoka.

"You know, most of us are gonna be without our Beyblades for a while..." Gingka was clearly fighting to keep his voice cheerful. "What should we do with all that time?"

"I don't know," Madoka replied with a shrug. "What do you guys normally do when your Beyblades are damaged?"

"Wait for you to fix them," Yu answered, pleading with his eyes.

Madoka let out an exasperated sigh.

"It's been so long since all this stuff with Nemesis started," Yuki spoke up, adjusting his glasses. "I barely remember what life was like before it."

"Yeah..." Gingka nodded. "I got so used to travelling around. It's gonna be hard to take it easy again."

"It'll be nice to take it easy again!" Benkei exclaimed, his eyes wide. "All that travelling was exhausting."

"I agree," Madoka replied with a nod.

Gingka suddenly glanced up, meeting Kenta's gaze.

"What do you think, Kenta?" he asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Kenta froze for a moment. "Oh, uh... I agree with both of you," he replied, taking a nervous step toward the others. "Travelling was exhausting but I got used to it. It's gonna feel weird not travelling with Ryuga all the time."

Kenta cast a glance at his friend. Ryuga didn't seem to be paying attention, his gaze still intent on the Beyblades. *Should I try to talk to him?* Kenta wondered.

"Oh, yeah!" Yu exclaimed. "You were with Ryuga!"

"That must have been..." Yuki gulped, casting a glance at where Ryuga was. "Interesting. It must have been interesting." Yuki faked a smile.

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