Chapter 6

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Kenta's POV (Yes, again. I have a good reason I promise)


Kenta dashed toward his friend, jumping up and throwing his arms around him. Ryuga barely caught him with a small yelp of surprise. He briefly returned the hug.

"Mind warning me next time you do that?" Ryuga grunted, letting Kenta down on the ground.

"Sorry, but you really had us worried!" Kenta noticed Madoka near them. "Did you seriously stay at the shop all night?!" he asked, gesturing to her.

Ryuga rolled his eyes. "I fell asleep."

"What were you doing before that?"

Ryuga fell silent. Kenta turned to Madoka instead.

"He just played with Beyblade parts mostly," she answered with a shrug.

"Really? Ryuga..."

Kenta stared up at his friend. He thought it was weird that Ryuga had wanted to stay in a place full of reminders of Beyblade, when he constantly avoided the topic of L-Drago's disappearance, but he hadn't realized it was this bad.

Ryuga cleared his throat. "Your parents wanted us back at your house," he informed, walking away.

"Oh, okay..." Kenta turned to Madoka. "Bye Madoka!" he called, waving and chasing after Ryuga.

"Bye Kenta!" Madoka called back.

Kenta slowed to a walk once he was at Ryuga's side.

"You really miss Beyblade that much?"

"Hm?" Ryuga glanced down at him.

"Playing with Beyblade parts?" Kenta raised an eyebrow. "Come on, Ryuga, you're not fooling anyone."

"I'm not trying to."

"Then what are you trying to do?!" Kenta exclaimed, clenching his fists. "Wallow in misery over losing L-Drago?!"

Ryuga stopped walking, remaining silent for a few heartbeats. "You're the last person I expected to be mad at me."

Kenta froze. *What does he mean by THAT?*

"I-I'm not..." Kenta looked away. "I'm sorry."

They were both quiet the rest of the walk home. Kenta pushed the door open. His parents were in the kitchen, and perked up at the sight of them.

"Ryuga!" they gasped in unison.

Ryuga stepped back. Kenta tilted his head to the side. Usually, Ryuga would react to Kenta's parents with indifference or annoyance but this time his eyes were wide and he seemed frozen in place. *Is he... afraid?* With a chill, Kenta realized that this was the first time he had seen Ryuga show fear, and it was toward Kenta's own parents. After a few moments, Ryuga stepped forward. He grabbed his white jacket off the couch and made his way toward the basement.

"Wait, Ryuga!" Kenta called, chasing after him.

Ryuga stopped and looked down at him. "Let me be alone," he grunted.

"I..." Kenta stepped back, his heart skipping a beat. Then his shock turned to anger. "Fine. Go ahead," he grunted, turning away.

Ryuga hesitated only for a moment before retreating into the basement. Kenta grunted as he sat at the table with his parents.

"He just got back and he's already pushing us all away," Kenta sighed, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Oh, he just needs some time alone, kiddo," his dad replied, with a shrug. "Some people are like that. Social activity is draining for them so they need time alone every now and then."

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