Bonus Chapter

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(Since this was requested but I couldn't fit it into the main storyline, here it is as a bonus chapter)

Ryuga's POV

Ryuga and Kenta walked side by side through the city. Kenta's gaze was fixed on his bey. He ran his thumb up and down the facebolt, his hands fidgeting anxiously. Ryuga glanced at his friend. *He's this anxious about a battle he wanted?*

"Kenchi!" A new voice called.

Ryuga and Kenta turned around. A short boy with scruffy orange hair was dashing toward them. Ryuga took a step back. *Yu?!* He bit his lip, remembering how Yu had once been a... an acquaintance of his.

"Hi, Yu!" Kenta greeted, with a wave.

"Hey, Kenchi!" Yu replied, skidding to a halt in front of him. He glanced up at Ryuga. "A-and Ryuga..." He turned back to Kenta. "He's still living with you then?" Yu asked, pointing inconspicuously at Ryuga.

"Yeah...?" Kenta raised an eyebrow. "That's kind of a permanent thing."

Ryuga stiffened. "It's not permanent," he argued, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Really?" Kenta smirked a bit. "Because I haven't heard you make any plans to leave," he replied, nudging Ryuga's arm.

"It's a complicated process," Ryuga grunted, stepping away. "A five-year-old wouldn't understand."

"F-five?!" Kenta exclaimed, staggering back. "You know I'm not five, Ryuga!"

Ryuga smiled a bit. "Could've fooled me," he replied, ruffling Kenta's hair.

"I'm not that short!" Kenta pushed Ryuga away, huffing with anger.

"It's okay, Kenchi," Yu cut in, with a smile. "I'm short too. Us shorties need to stick together to destroy the enemy: tall people." Yu pointed at Ryuga, who just rolled his eyes. Kenta giggled a little.

"Kenta, are we going or not?" Ryuga asked, taking a step forward.

"Y-yeah, of course, we are," Kenta answered, biting his lip as he looked back down at his Beyblade.

"Going?" Yu tilted his head to the side. "Where are you guys going?"

"To the abandoned stadium." Kenta held up Flash Sagittario. "I'm battling Gingka. I've been practising really hard and it'll be Gingka's first time fighting Flash Sagittario." He smiled, despite shaking a bit.

"Awesome!" Yu exclaimed, hopping like a bunny. "Why didn't you tell me?! I want to see this battle too!"

"Well, come along then!" Kenta insisted, walking forward and gesturing for him to follow. "The more the merrier!"

Kenta and Yu walked together. Ryuga followed, stepping further away from Yu.

"So..." Yu glared at Ryuga suspiciously. "Why's Ryuga going? I thought he lost L-Drago."

"He did," Kenta answered, "He wanted to watch my battle with Gingka."

"He wants to watch a battle?" Yu raised an eyebrow. "Completely out of character, who is this impostor?"

Ryuga didn't want to dignify that dumb question with an answer. Kenta stared at Yu in confusion.

"How can a real person be... Out of character?"

Yu let out a giggle. "I dunno. Well, let's hurry up! Gingky might already be there!" Yu ran ahead.

"Hey, wait up Yu!" Kenta called, chasing after him.

Ryuga followed after them at a casual pace. He didn't feel like running after them, and he felt awkward being around Yu. Ryuga hadn't thought about it until he saw him again but the two of them had once been friends. Yu once considered him a friend at least.

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