Chapter 8

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Ryuga's POV

Ryuga and Kenta were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching the dumb show that was Yugioh: the dumb, entertaining show that was way better than it had any right to be based on the concept alone. In the middle of an episode, Ryuga's phone rang.

"What the?" Kenta asked, pausing the show. "Who in the world is calling you?"

Ryuga picked up his phone. "Madoka," he answered standing up. "It must be about the bey."

"Wha...?" Kenta tilted his head to the side.

Ryuga walked to the kitchen, answering the phone as he leaned on the wall. Madoka was on speaker. Ryuga could tell by the distinct whirring sound of her equipment through the receiver.


"Hey, Ryuga!" Madoka greeted, the whirring sound of her tools suddenly stopping. "I've got good news. The WBBA just contacted me about your bey. It's done! They want you to pick it up at three o'clock today!"

"Okay...?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow. *Why did she call me to say that? She could've easily said that over text like she normally would.*

"You're excited to try it out, aren't you?" Madoka prompted.

"I'm going to," Ryuga replied, dodging the question.

"Okay, well you'll need two people around when you do-"

"You and Kenta," Ryuga replied, cutting her off.

"Uh... okay, sure! I wanted to see you use your new bey..." She let out a groan. "But I have so much work to do..."

"Take a break."

Madoka sighed, "Yeah, I could use a break... I just hope Chris, Dynamis, and Tithi don't mind waiting longer... Well, I'll see you later, Ryuga."

Ryuga hung up and walked back into the living room.

"They finished the bey," he answered, sitting next to Kenta again.

"Wait, really?!" Kenta's eyes lit up. "About time! Are we picking it up or...?"

"At three. We have time," Ryuga replied, unpausing the show. Kenta gave him a weird look before looking back at the TV.

*This is it... I'm really going to be getting the new Beyblade.* Before this moment, the idea that Ryuga was getting a new Beyblade seemed intangible or too far in the future to consider but it was happening today. He would have the chance to finally Beyblade again. The thing that had once been his passion, his entire purpose for living, he would be able to do it again. The idea sparked some joy for Ryuga. However, it was short-lived as he remembered that it wasn't L-Drago. *Can I truly connect with any other bey as I did with L-Drago?* He would find out soon...


Ryuga walked beside Kenta and Madoka, his white jacket flapping behind him in the wind.

"This better be worth it," Ryuga grunted.

"It will be," Kenta insisted, looking up at him. "I mean, the bey took a week to make. It's gotta be good."

"From what I heard, most of that time was spent trying to figure out how to get it to rotate left," Madoka informed with a smile. "It's never been done by the WBBA." She looked up at Ryuga. "You should be grateful, Ryuga." She spoke in her normal cheerful tone, yet her words alone were enough to annoy Ryuga.

"Don't tell me how I should feel," he growled, his eyes narrowed.

"That's not-" Madoka looked away, clenching her jaw. "Ugh, whatever, you're impossible."

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