As soon as we entered the restroom for women my blood turned cold. All stalls were empty and there was red liquid on the floor next to the sinks. It was blood and there was no sign of my sweet angel. My breathing instantly became panicked as I looked around unsure of what happened and where she is.

"Get me the security footage right now!", I screamed at Cristian. He quickly hurried off and I dragged Pietro and Raffael into an empty room. After explaining why I dragged them there, we waited for Cristian to return.

"Here you go.", he said as he entered the room and gave me a laptop.
We watched the security footage. A man hit Emily from behind with a gun making her black out. Then he secretly carried her out. It was way too easy. My security guards focused on a fight that was happening between five men in the opposite direction. They were obviously distracting the guards.

Just when the man was about to leave, some other man and Lorenzo Russo joined him. Russo had a smirk on his face.
"That's it. He's as good as dead.", I said standing up and storming out and back into the ballroom. Upon entering the stage I grabbed a microphone. The music immediately stopped playing and all the attention was on me.

"Today should be about coming together and putting our differences aside. It is supposed to be about making alliances or simply exchanging contacts. However one leader decided to break the rule and on top of that he started war with me.", I stated and walked further towards the guests. Everyone looked at me shocked and scared.

"Since gossip travels fast you all know about Emily Potters, my girlfriend. Lorenzo Russo and his men took her. They knocked her out and kidnapped her. He broke the most important rule which means everyone here can go ahead and destroy him and his mafia gang.", I pointed out.

"Most of you consider me as a king. Let me tell you one thing. Emily Potters is my queen which means she's your queen as well. You should all bow down to her. I will get her back and if any of you will help me I am promising to form an alliance. I'm the most powerful leader here. Don't start a war with me or you will regret it. I can take you all out in one single day. Anyone who touches her will painfully die. All there's left to say is let the hunt begin.", I said and got down from the stage storming outside.

Getting into my car I drove back to the villa and walked into our bar. I got a glass and started drinking some whiskey.
"How am I supposed to get her back?", I talked with myself while resting my elbows on the bar counter and holding my head in my hands. "Where would they take her to?"

I spend the next hour drowning my fears and sadness in drinking whiskey. My top priority is getting her back alive. And I don't care what it will cost. I made a promise to keep her safe. What a fucking disappointment am I? My father always has been right. I can't do anything without making a mistake.

"Don't worry we will find her.", Raffaels voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He approached me and sat down next to me.
"After you left a lot of leaders were scared by your words. They know you could take them out in the blink of an eye. The Russian mafia promised us their services if you uphold your word and form an alliance with them.", Raffael explained to me.
"As nice as that sounds how do they know where Russo hides?", I mumbled with my head still buried in my hands.
"They don't. But they have the best tracking team.", Raffael said.

"She could already be dead." Pain was visible in my voice that almost broke at the end of the sentence.
"Matteo. You have to hope for the best."
"Angels can't die, right?", I asked him raising my head to look into his eyes.
"Right. Now get some sleep. We have a lot to take care of tomorrow."

I nodded and went into our room. When I laid down my hand went to her bedside. It was empty and cold. All there was left was her sweet scent. After tossing and turning around for hours I finally drifted off to sleep. Soon I was haunted by nightmares. The usual nightmares of loosing people I loved stopped when my angel laid next to me in my arms. Now that she's gone they are back. But worse. Every nightmare was about her dying.

Trying to sleep was useless. I decided to get up and go to my office. After all I can try and connect the little information we have about Russo. The next hours passed by quickly and I still have no clue where that bastard hides. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in.", I said angrily.
"Did you get some sleep?", my mother asked as she entered my office.
"Not really. And that's not the most important thing right now. I can't find any tracks or hints of his location."
"Matteo. You need to take care of yourself. We are all scared and sad. But don't forget to eat, sleep and drink some water.", she warned me.
"I'm fine. I have to find her!", I yelled slightly.

"I know and we will find her eventually. It can take a few days you know that. Russo has planned this for long it won't be easy to track him down.", she stated while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Mom, you are not really encouraging."
"I'm simply saying the truth. Raffael told me that the Russians will help us. And another Spanish mafia will  help us too.", she told me.
"Which one? There are three Spanish ones."
"The best of course. 'Los Helados'.", my mom said.
"I'll plan a meeting with them for today. Thanks for telling me."

Upon saying that I left my office and started making phone calls to arrange the meeting with the leaders and their tracking teams.

Since it won't happen for another hour I went outside and entered the flower garden. Making my way to the black roses Emily planted I couched down and touched them gently. They started to fully bloom today. The last few days they were still a little closed. Now you can admire their full beauty. I took a watering can and poured some water on them.

Looking up to the sky I remembered how my angel talked to her mom a while ago.
"I may not know you but your daughter is the most important person to me. I'm going to do everything I can to get her back alive. And I promise to make her happy.", I said still gazing up to the sky.

My last hope is the Russian and Spanish mafia right now. Never have I thought about building an alliance with them. But they are my only chance of finding Emily and destroying Russo.


How will the meeting go?

Will Matteo find Emily? Will he be too late?

Guys I just made puff pastry pockets! Some filled with apples and others filled with chocolate....let me tell you they are freaking amazing 😍 don't you just love food?!
Honestly I should be studying for upcoming exams right now... but here I am baking and writing😂

Thank you all so much for your support. I love each and everyone of you🖤

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