Start from the beginning

"David and James Foster, you're under arrest for multiple counts of murders."

"Let go off me!" David tried to shrug them off.

While putting the cuffs in their wrists, David keeps shouting profanities.

One of Archer's men shoved him roughly that David was forced on his knees as he put the cuffs with a click. The same goes with James as he glared at Archer with so much hate he could muster.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you can say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

David shut his mouth but still struggled with one of the cops.

As they patch things up, James' phone went off which still in Archer's possession. He answered it in the third ring and put it on speaker.

"Boss," came from a gruff voice, he was panting like crazy as of he had been running a mile.

"We're here."

Then the line went dead.

Archer locked his azure eyes with James, he has a smirk on his face.

"Looks like the table is turned."

Then with a loud bang, the walls explode tons of rocks and bricks scattered and pieces of glasses are shattered. Sending them flying on the ground. Archer landed on his side and he groaned with pain. He can feel his ears ringing and shook his head. Dust and bricks are everywhere. He coughed a few times as the dust irritates his nose. Clearing his vision he saw that some of his men were unconscious.

Crap. This is bad. He muttered to himself, his eyes frantically searched for the twins.

James moved with speed and with his calculated steps they had avoided possible injury. He nudges David and he groans with pain as he hits his head.

"Brother now's the time come on!" As they passed the piles of unconscious bodies, his eyes landed on the keys. James grabs it and they both fled to the scene.

"Damn it! Don't let them escape!" Archer yelled as he followed the twins. Some of his men tried to shoot them but he stopped before they shoot them.

"Don't shoot! I want them alive." With that, they followed the long hallways with beautiful paintings. Due to the explosion, some were on the ground, and other furniture. Maneuvering the mansion like the back of their hands, David and James followed their familiar path.


Brianna peered to her side the fucker is still tugging roughly her hair she bit her lip to prevent the sound of her voice that is threatening to spill she knew that he will only hurt her if she pleads for mercy.

What a sadistic bastard she thought.

The full moon is on its peak illuminating the darkness that surrounds them. As the cold wind blows Brianna can't help but shiver. Again, she eyed the glock that was strapped on his right leg.

"It's now or never, it's the only chance I have left. Better grab the opportunity before it's gone."

Brianna swiftly twisted her body and grab the glock on his leg, she then swiped him on his feet. The man was caught off guard that he landed on the ground with a loud thud.

"Fucking bitch!" The man groaned and began to stand. He has this crazed look in his eyes as he licked his lips, he circled her like she was his prey. Brianna narrowed her eyes, even in the dark, she can still see his silhouette thanks to the moonlight.

"You know, I was waiting for this time. I've been itching to taste you since from the start. If it weren't for my boss, you're probably moaning underneath me. It will be interesting to start now do we?"

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