Chapter Two

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A screen was the first thing that met my eyes, following my gaze as I floated in an amorphous, black void.

~ ~ ~
Welcome, traveller, to the land of Eudaria!
Please choose your race:
Human/--- hybrid
~ ~ ~

Well, that could be problematic. Oh, wait, they meant species.

Well, I didn't recognise the name Eudaria, but I did recognise this kind of setup. A short list of fantastical races, and the option to choose. Although it looked like I was limited to half human— that was probably the condition for keeping my memories. Let's have a look at this list.

~ ~ ~
-Lesser vampire
~ ~ ~

Well, that was a pretty decent number of races, although it seemed I couldn't be fully human for some reason. If I wanted to be an archer, there were only three real options— vampire, elf and beastman. But although the vampire would be suited to firing a bow, the weakness to sunlight was too much to ignore.

It was actually a good thing I wasn't automatically fully human really. To get the elder wood needed to create Selena I needed access to the deep forest, and humans were never allowed in there. So elf or beastman? Well, it came down to weighing the odds. Becoming a half-elf would give me a boost to dexterity and agility, and enhance my senses, while beastman would depend on the animal. If I became half bear, it would be worse than fully human.

Was I willing to risk my new life on a chance? No, I was not.

~ ~ ~
Human/elf hybrid
Customise your appearance?
~ ~ ~

That was new. Well, why not?

A new screen appeared, this time showing a rotating image of what was apparently myself, along with a few switch buttons and some sliding scales. This was more in depth than I was expecting.

Alright, it seemed I was currently a very androgynous humanoid shape, with no visible genitalia and purple hair falling to mid-back. First off, let's make me male, because I was. I dragged the slider up to the end of the 'male' spectrum.

Instantly, muscles bulged over every inch of the body, the chest swelling up so far that the eyes were squished, and the ninety degree angle of the jaw looked to be pressing uncomfortably into the swollen biceps. Some... other areas grew as well, and the hair reeled back into the head with unsettling speed, turning blue as it did so.

"Okay, let's go a little less male, please," I muttered. "Just enough to make it possible to walk."

The slider moved down without me touching it, and the body slimmed down from obscenely muscular to just on the wrong side of believable.

"Oh. Can you... hear me?"


"Can I have green skin?"
The next instant, my skin was aggressively neon.


I needed to think about this logically. What did I want out of this life?
Well, that was easy. What I'd always wanted— get a little cottage in the woods and live there with Selena.

Now, what did I want to avoid? Firstly, people hitting on me. And the obvious thing to do there was become hideous.

"Scuse me? Could you make me very ugly, please?"



"Hello? Um... blue skin."

My skin was as blue as the sky.

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