Neko: He couldn't had gotten that far find him!!!

End of Flashback .

Kabuto was feeling the pressure. It's bad enough Neko is literally trying to behead him but more Anbu Chakra signatures was getting closer. Kabuto has to get away from Anbu right here right now. Kabuto used a flashbomb ( flashbang) but still managed to get cut by Neko tanto to leave a wound I his side. But the flashbomb blinded Neko enough for him to summon a snake, jump in its mouth the the snake went underground vanishing quickly. Neko was furious even though it didn't show. It's bad enough finding out that Kabuto is a spy, but he actually tried to kill her fiance Hayate.the remaining Anbu finally caught up with her and she gave them an order to search the area. But deep down she knew Kabuto was long gone. With nothing let to do she decided to report to the Hokage.

Hokage Office late evening

After Nekoand Hayate inform the Hokage what had happened,she went back to patrol the village. Hiruzen and Danzo were having a conversation.

Danzo: I'll give that Kabuto boy Acredit, sneaking back into the village after being discovered as a spy isn't an easy feat. But he's underestimating our forces true potential.

Hiruzen: For the simple fact Orochimaru hasn't decided to " destroy" the village yet is because he wants to cause a national incident while the Fire Daimyo and other village leaders will be present at the Chunin exams finals. He figures if he can take us down it would make us look unworthy compared to other Shinobi villages and lose funding if he at least does a certain amount of damage to the leaf if he can't completely destroy the Village.

Danzo: I still think he's bitter about you giving the passing the Hokage torch to Minato instead of himself.

Hiruzen: Orochimaru would put his goals more towards himself that the village. He would use our Shinobi to infiltrate all villages to take there powerful jutsus and forbidden arts to add to his personal collection. If I was interested, not saying I am, he wouldn't share that info with anyone.

Danzo:  You're right. I secretly supported Orochimaru experiments when he was Still part of the leaf, but even then he share so little. So you did make a good call passing him up as an Hokage candidate.

Hokage: Have your spies reported the Stonce village activities???

Danzo: Yes. It doesn't appear that the Stone Village is aiding Orochimaru. The only village in not sure about is the sound Village.  We don't know who there Kage is. It may well be Orochimaru. The village itself is underground from what my spies reported. However, my spies also said they haven't seen any Civilians come in or out of the village. So this village is more like a base than actual village.

Hiruzen: Indeed they only sent 1 team but their Jonin Sensei was barely at the Prelims. No one has reported seeing the sound team Jonin before that. which is too suspicious in general.  Which is why I'm expecting all hell to break lose during the finals..

This was how the the convo between the to veterans went for the rest of the night.

The next day

Jiraiya have given Naruto some tips on Fuinjutsu and Naruto took what Jiraiya show him and combined it with the notebook Tsunade has given him awhile back and he made a complex seal that only he can used. Topazū was present watching his summoner  finishing his complex real and came up with a though to help Naruto further.

Topazū: Hey Naruto, is that seal markings going to be use on a seal tag or  on your body?

Naruto: Well mama Slug has a seal on her forehead so I thought of putting mine somewhere on my body too. Why you ask???

Naruto: Bound For Glory.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن