Wait a minute. Taken out the eye? Was that how Daddy figured out that the redhead I'd met was Urokai whatever-his-last-name-was? Maybe.


Master abruptly spoke up from the couch and Daddy instantly calmed down, shocking both Ishii oppa and me. Once again, the marvel of how Master calmed Daddy down in his angry state was something I'd only heard about in Daddy's stories. Seeing it happen in real life was a whole other experience.

"My apologies, Master." 

Daddy smiled politely and turned to the two of us, his face regaining that stern expression.

"In any case." His voice sounded sterner than usual as well. "We shall not be heading to Lukedonia as of now. It may be cruel to do this, especially if her biological parent is in Lukedonia, but now is not the right time for a reunion. And make sure not to mention any of this to Regis and Seira."


I grimaced sheepishly when I remembered my conversation with Seira from last night and Daddy raised a brow, suspicious.

"What did you do, Aramina?"

"Nothing!" I insisted, before falling quiet again. "It's just, Seira asked me if you're my real daddy. So I told her no, and that you found me on your doorstwep four years ago. She looked shocked when I said that, but then she went away to slweep."

"She looked shocked when you said that?" 

Daddy asked and I nodded.

"Maybe there had actually been the disappearance of a baby in Lukedonia four years ago." 

Ishii oppa suggested and I shrugged. But his words did make sense, and everything suddenly seemed to be adding up; Master sensing a faint aura from me, my eyes which were as red as the nobles' eyes, Seira looking shocked when I told her that I'd been adopted four years ago as a baby. So could all of this mean that I truly was a noble? Even then, I hardly believed that I was ready for a life like that and I loved my life here. I had a family here, and I would choose this family over some grand and powerful clan in Lukedonia any day. We all remained in silence for a few minutes, until Master stood up from the couch and extended his hand to me.

"You'll be late for school, Aramina."

I nodded and grabbed my backpack which was sitting on the coffee table, after which I placed my own hand into Master's and we started to walk towards the door.

"Remember what I said." I could hear Daddy whispering to Ishii oppa behind me. "Whatever we discussed here should stay here. Nobody should find out, especially not Regis and Seira. We will not take any action until we are sure of Lukedonia's motives to send two nobles to this place."

"What if they've sent them in search of Aramina?"

"In that case." Daddy's voice suddenly lowered an octave and I involuntarily shuddered. "We have to be cautious. They think we are humans, so if they begin to believe that Aramina is the one they're looking for, they'll try to use mind control on us to forcibly take her away from us. And if that happens."

I involuntarily shuddered again when I sensed these unbelievably frightening and dark vibes overflowing from behind me. Overflowing from where Daddy was.

"I will not be responsible for the disaster that will follow."

The rest of the school day passed by normally, though I remained extremely distracted. I didn't even take my second helping of soybean paste soup, which I would go nuts for on the day that the cook would be serving that, so my friends were obviously shocked. But I couldn't help it. My whole identity was on the line here, and even though Ishii oppa had advised me not to worry so much about this thing before he put me on the bus, the worry automatically crept into my head. 

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