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main man theo 🤡
| freddie boy, i think i left my tie at the joke shop
| you have it?

| yeah i have it
| but you have like 2 billion other ties

main man theo 🤡
| oh oops sorry rory

| i didn't think you'd realise it was me

main man theo 🤡
| two things,
| 1. oUcH, okay, what was that supposed to mean?
| 2. fred would've used bajagazillion instead of billion, so...
| yeah im a genius
| anyways
| how do you have my tie?

| over the years, youve left a "bajagazillion" at mine and daphne's place

main man theo 🤡
| okay but how do you know you have my favourite one?

| oh please
| plain black, pure silk, christian dior

main man theo 🤡
| damn you're good
| you have it?

| yeah
| we're going to HOGSMEADE theo, how could you possibly need to wear a tie?

main man theo 🤡
| actually, it's for tomorrow
| i need to go to the ministry

| everything okay?

main man theo 🤡
| yeah no its all good
| they're just trying to take my job away
| no biggie


main man theo 🤡
| apparently my teaching methods are 'disturbing' ?????
| i jumped out of the boggart closet dressed like a clown ONCE
| apparently my students are all scaredy cats
| anyways lol

| theodore
| what did i tell you about being a shitty professor?

main man theo 🤡
| um...
| nothing?

| yeah i've just always wanted to say that line
| but what's gonna happen?

main man theo 🤡
| scared the living shit outta me
| you called me theodore
| but im just coming to the ministry, then they're gonna decide on whether to take my job from me or not
| pretty much it

| gosh that's horrible

main man theo 🤡
| ikr
| anyways, get me my tie okay?

| okay?

main man theo 🤡
| thanks love


   "Rory! Are you coming with me or are you just going to keep your arse in bed all day?" Daphne's voice rang from the entrance of their apartment into Rory's bedroom.

   "Hold on, I'm lacing my shoes up!" She shouted back, tying a bow into her white shoes. "Alright!" Rory huffed when she finally reached her friend in the middle of the room.

   "We're flooing from Rosie's right?" Daphne asked about their plans once again. Rory nodded in response, not taking her eyes off her reflection in the mirror.

   Rosie's Nook was a popular brunch spot in London, also one of the very few floo networks in Camden. It was fortunately very close to their home, a minute of walking would get them there.

   "Why don't we just apparate?" Rory asked, scoffing lightly as they walked out of their apartment, confused that Daphne didn't offer to do it sooner.

   "Well, idiot, we can't apparate to Hogwarts. Nobody can." She responded, stepping on dry leaves along the sidewalk.

   "Well, idiot, we're apparating to Hogsmeade not Hogwarts." Rory argued again, imitating a few of Daphne's words.

   "Well, idiot, we're here already, so why not?" Daphne grinned victoriously as she pushed the door of the crowded place open with her back, winning their friendly argument.

   This left Aurora alone, outside the café to roll her brown eyes back. Just as her eyes focused up again, the first thing she saw was a very familiar figure.

   A slender, tall, blonde, man. Black fabric covering his whole body. His pale skin seeming even paler if possible in the light.

   He walked up to her, Rory frozen in her place, and said to her. "Muggleborn living in a muggle neighbourhood. Seems about right."


   "I see you've gotten another unfortunate dye job." Rory smiled sickly, watching the horrid blonde drape onto his black suit. "Perhaps it'll look good with a pair of Azkaban uniforms and a deatheater mask."

   "How dare you insult me, you disgusting mudblood?" He hissed, looking down at the girl not much shorter than him.

   "I know that was meant as an insult, but I honestly take it as a compliment. That gives us absolutely nothing in common." She replied, her eyes now fixed onto her phone's screen.

   "Rory come on! We need to-"
   "Lucius!" Fake enthusiasm flooded Daphne's voice.

   "You know, I'd really love to stay and chat, but we're off to see your son and his underaged girlfriend!" Aurora smiled sarcastically, walking away but still facing the man. "It was lovely seeing you, Lucy." She folded each finger down, the tips touching her palm, into a mocking goodbye.

   She then disappeared into the café, followed by Daphne, leaving Lucius to growl under his breath.

   "Come on, girls, we're running out of floo powder." The owner, Rosie, hurried them along, handing them a vase of the remaining mint green powder they had.

   They stepped into two separate fireplaces. The two girls shared a look and on Daphne's count of three, they both dropped the powder from their hands and yelled,




Sorry this chapter was a wee bit uneventful but i had to write it for the next chapter to make sense

Next chapter coming in a few hours!

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