chapter XV

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eileen was sitting on her bed and going trough some paper work for her job. it wasn't much , but they said she needs to do this because they let her stay home on this day . why? well eileen was not feeling the best for the first five hours of that day. like she was dying. but the girl took a nap and ate something. 

now it's one pm and the girl was feeling much better , hence the paper work now. she was almost done when her phone made a noise, a message was delivered . she went to check it . 

 hihi ! its tina , i was wondering if you would want to hang out? 


hiii , i would love that honestly. what are you thinking ? 

what about starbucks run and walk around the beach ? 

sounds perfect, is in an hour good 4 u ? 

yup, at the starbucks in the mall ? 

yuh, see you then


eileen smiled to her phone before putting it back on the table. the female was making friends and she couldn't be prouder of herself. and she was excited to hang out with the girl , she didn't know much about her excpet their short convo at the caffee. it would be nice to get to know her.

after thirty minutes eileen was done with her work, another ten minutes she had eaten light lunch and ten more minutes she had got ready and told rosie that she was hanging with a friend. and in five minutes she was at the starbucks, meaning five minutes early. perfect. 

because eileen was wearing shorts and a hoodie, when she saw tina arrive with a skirt and a cute top , the girl felt a little insecure. but deciding on not saying anything about it , she hugged tina 

-hii - eileen smiled letting her go 

- hi hi , so im on time , thank god im usually late - tina chuckled 

- no, no its totally okey , i just like to be on time - eileen reassured the girl 

- okey , so coffee? -  tina gestured to the starbucks with her head 

- starbucks - eileen nodded. 

the two made their way to the register , both ordering and paying for their drinks. the girls made their way out of the mall , making conversation about their favourite bevrages. while walking past a playground , eileen saw two kids playing the ball. the boy accidentaly hit the girl and went to go apoligies. 

- look tina, - she pointed to the two - he hit her with the ball - 

tina looked at the two and smiled - i love that, every man should learn from him - eileen nodded and the two continued walking. they had made it to the beach. 

- do you want to go along side the water? we could just take our shoes off - eileen wondered as they reached the spot where they could decide to go along the street or the water. 

- im think yeah, i love the water - tina smiled.

so the girls made sure to take off their shoes , carrying them in one hand while the drinks in other. while walking and talking about highschool stories , eileen had this question in mind 

- what do you think of the ocean ? like are you scared of it or do you like it ? - tina didn't even think twice before answering 

- i like it as the matter im just here on the beach or / and swimming here where i can see the earth. i do not like the feeling being in the middle of an ocean and not seeing any land . it gives me big old anxiety - tina took a sip of her coffee, finishing it - you ? - 

- i personally love the water and everything tied with it . i love that we don't know what's in it or how deep it really is honestly. i also love treveling with a ship. i've also been on two cruises and they were unforgetable. - 

- ah i really wish i could enjoy that , i would love to go on a cruise but my anxiety says otherways-tina sighted

- dude, we should go on a cruise toghether, that would be amazing. and yeah i heard you. but listen if we have fun and don't look over the edge or anything we could totaly pull it off - eileen looked at the shorter girl 

- ahh i don't know, the anxiety isn't the worst . i've also just been once in that situation and i was pretty young. - tina wondered before seeing a trash can - hey there's a trash , can we go throw these out? - tina gestured to the cups. whih now for both of the girls were empty. eileen nodded. 

they did this and decided to sit down on a bench near by , letting their legs , "recharge". the girls then went on really random question answering , like arguing if math is red or brown, strangest thing they have ever eaten, worst dates and many more. the time flew by and only when it got cold for both of the girls they decided to check their phones for a time update. 

- ah shit its five forty two , i have an among us lobbie at five thirty. i need to go home - tina looked at eileen with a sad look, the girl smiled 

- don't worry , i should probobly get back as well and im pretty sure rosie will want to spend time together today - the girl got up and went to the side walk for faster paste. 

eileen didn't say a word that from here until her home was like a minute walk , even less honestly. matter of fact it probobly was like forty seconds. instead she walked with tina back to her car and said a proper goodbye. 

* * *

rosie had made eileen watch a livestream, in fact it happend to be tinas as well, when she got back . so when tina , while dead talking to her chat said sorry guys for starting so late , i was hanging out with a friend and we kinda forgot about time. also we were like ten minutes away from my car. but im excited because shes a super sweet girl and i just recently met her . eileen had to try and say that it was just a coincidence that eileen had gone out at the same time and the same place. 

but rosie knowing and being able to see right trough eileens lies made her sister speak the truth. so eileen told the truth , for a suprise rosie didn''t freak out that much and was really happy for her. rest of the night was them watching the stream and later in the night she was on the phone with her little sister for a short convo. her family would be going to a vacion and there wouldn't be any service. 

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