chapter IV

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it's friday now. two day after the tina meeting . eileen was helping rosie set up her school work , knowing that she didn't have to be at work so early today. 

"okey rosie i think that should be correct , but if its not you can blame it on me "eileen smiled to the teenager 

"i will do that, "rosie smiled but then it dropped , "how is your stomach feeling? "

"don't worry too much , its good enough "

"are you sure you will make it to work with walking and stand all day ? "

"yes honey, its not that bad . if by any chance i won't be able to i'll just end work earlier . "

"okey , love you " rosie gave eileen a hug 

"love you too "eileen answered the hug and walked out of her room.

eileen just had a little trouble walking down the stairs with the pain , but while walking to work it was liveable. if anyone is wondering why eileens stomach is hurting , well . . . yesterday kristofer tried to touch her further than usual and it most definitely was because he was drunk . 

eileen wasn't willing to do anything like that so she kicked him , she was able to stand her own for a little because of his state, but even when drunk he was stronger so when eileen did that he kneeled her in the stomach two times. she has a bruise there now . pretty big one . 

the girl reached her workplace right on time. so with no useless talking she made sure to start working at the drive-trough . 

* * *

at lunch break eileen and alex were searching for apartments further in la area. not so far away, you know . alex had known that eileen wanted to move out already for a while. so she made sure eileen could save up as much money as needed. and now when that amount was in her bank account they just needed to find an affordable apartment . 

eileen was so happy that she could finally at least look at the apartments and have this thought that she might actually get away from the toxic and abusive house hold she was living in now. so her lunch break went quickly because of the searching .

* * *  

after work eileen decided to take the longer way home, her stomach wasn't hurting so much, it was a nice day , her father and joleen wasn't home so rosie was safe. she was pretty sure that kristofer wasn't home either, he was probobly with his friends getting over their hungovers. 

while walking trough the park she sat down on a bench and slid into a memory lane . 

remembering . . . 

eileen and her little sister were running around the play ground, they were playing catch. her parents sitting on a near bench beacause her mother was pregneat and couldn't really move a lot. while her other sister was buying all of them ice cream , at the last month of mom's pregneacy she has been craving ice cream a lot. 

when eileen finally caught her little sister they walked over to their parents laughing c'ause they fell in the sand . her older sister came back at the right time with all the ice cream. 

the happy family just ate the cold ice cream and talked about the little brother name could be. they had so many ideas and even her little sister said they should name him with three words because she wanted all of them to name him. they were having an amazing time 

end of memory . . . 

a tear slid down eileens cheek , she let it slide all the way down to her chin and then wiped it off. the girl got up and walked home still thinking about one of the last moments of her family being all together and happy. 

when the girl reached the house she was calling home for a while now her discust came back. but then rosie came in her mind and she smiled a little. at least one good thing out of this horrible situation she was in after her mothers death. 

the girl went inside joleens house and straight to rosie's room. she heard someone in the kitchen , so eileen just assumed Joleen was back home . at rosie's room she knocked and after the little girl answered she went in.

"hi hi " eileen came in and went over to huh rosie

"hiii , how was your day ? " rosie asked smiling and giving her full atettion to eileen and not the video she was watching

"it was not that bad , you ? "

"i did great on my tests so that's pog "

"i knew you would , anyway whatcha watching ? " eileen asked and looked at the computer screen

"oh one of the streamers i watch posted a vlog "

when eileen saw the girl who was vlogging she smiled " isn't that tina ? "

"yes? how do you know ? " rosie asked raising an eyebrow

"what video is this ? "

"letting starbucks employees pick my drinks for a week "

"mhm , okey let me now when you finish the video " eileen smiled and walked to her room , "also I'm searching for apartaments so come join later "

"finally and yes i will "

eileen walked to her room and changed in more comfortable clothes , went through more apartaments .

about 10 minutes later rosie came in her room with a raised eyebrow

"mhm?" eileen looked at her

then she started freaking out ,

"you met tina ! omg and you didn't tell me ? what the heck ? "

"i didn't even recognize her so dont be mad "

"you are in HER VLOG"

"I know , but now come let's look at some apartaments"

rosie still shoked but laid next to eileen .

𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 | 𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora