chapter X

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it was friday evening and eileen just got done setting up her new computer. it had sat in her room for two days now and for the two days rosie had told eileen a lot about the streaming aspect. eileen was shocked how much she knew about this stuff. they also had ordereded headphones , gaming chair and a camera . 

after eileen set her computer up, both of the screens as well. rosie had told she needS two screens. in the past hour eileen had made a twitch account, steam account, discord account and downloaded games , aka minecraft, valorant, contra-strike, among us , phasmaohobia, jackbox and she had an account on geo guesser. 

and lucky for eileen herself, she had played most of these games before. in higschool she was into gaming , but just playing games she never thought she could do something like this. as of rosies words you should play minecraft for your first stream because that is one of the games popping now  . 

so that is what the girls did. eileen made sure her minecraft was working and she played a game of bed wars just to remember everything. both of the girls were shocked and how good eileen still was even after all these years. she was no where close the level of popular streamers bur for someone who hasn't played the game in about three years it was good. 

after this one game , rosie made sure that eileen was still okey with doing this. no going back now  was the only thing eileen said to rosie. so the teenager went to her room , on her computer. she called her sister on discord. 

- okey so you hear me alright ? - 

- yuh - 

- so now please start screen sharing with me - 

so this is what eileen did, rosie helped her set up so she didn't show anything on stream. after pushing the 'go live 'button rosie made sure everything was okey from a watcher point of view. eileen made rosie an admin and now was rosies turn to say , 

- well now go play games. change your category to minecraft. you won't get watcher imidietly. so the girl changed on minecraft and seeing that one person was watching , aka her sister she opened mc on stream. 

what they did was, eileen and rosie just talked like usual. the chemestry the two had on camera was amazing. you could tell they were close just by that. about thirty minutes into streaming the viewer count went from one to threee. 

eileen saw this and made sure to aknoladge it ,

- hello there new people . im eileen this is my first stream and first time playing mc in over three years. im in a discord call with my sister. we're just chilling. if you want to ask anything go for it - 

the girl went back to chatting with rosie but now more knwing someone was watching them. about five minutes into the two viewers being there one asked. 

you guys are so funny istg, i think i found a new streamer i like. how old are you btw ? 

oh and what are your guyses prounouns ? 

rosie was the one who read out these quesntions , cause eileen was in a middle of fight for her bed. 

- anna asks how old you are and what are our prounouns. she also says were funny. thank you btw anna for that - 

eileen died and looked at the chat making sure that really hapenned. 

- i go by she/her and im 22 years old turning 23 in august - 

- i go by she/her as well - 

- and yeah thank you anna for the compliment - 

the girls contued talking and answering some questions anna asked. at some point of time the gilr anna and as well the other watcher who was quite the whole time followed the girl. she thanked them and conuted streaming. 

it was about an hour after the two viewers joined , when she went up in viewers by fifty people. the people spamming raid in chat . eileen was the first to notice this. 

- holy shit , someone just raided me. omg who? - the girl saw the message - oh my go thank you claireLIVE for the raid ! i appricated so much .  - 

- oh damn hello new  people, eileen introduce ya self will you - 

- right, well hello claire watchers. im eileen twenty two years old, this is my first stream ever and first time playing mc in over three years. im on a call with my sister rosie . - 

- hii chat - 

- we both go by she/her prounouns . and for the past hour i've been hanging out with rosie and anna in chat while jeremy watches as well. i've won three bed wars games so far doe. and if anyones wondering i do have a camera comming in so the quality is not going to be this bad as well as a set of headphones and a difeernece chair. i guess thats it. any more questions feel free to ask - 

so eileen went back to playing games , she streamed for about thirty more minutes and answered a lot more questions. more about the game and social media than everything. it was getting late so she needed to end the stream. 

- okey chat, well that was it for today. its getting late and i do want to get my beauty sleep. all though me and rosie will probobly end up watching the vampire diaries . anywho thank you all 58 people for watching . you have peer presured me into making social  media accounts . - 

the girl laughed 

- next stream, which might be tommorow i dont know at what time doe. oh you know what i should do . maybe i could make my accounts on stream. i could. also i will try and get a starting soon screen somwhere in the next week and cute little fonts for texts on the screen. 

so thank you to the ones who followed to me today and thanks for hanging out. i should raid someone. let m- - 

- wait i just got a notifaction that jamies gone live. you should raid her . shes also a fairly new/small streamer. she likes to draw. - rosie started spamming a link in her chat - here the link to her stream - 

- okey guys so go show jamie some love , i'll stay in her chat for a little and see you all tommorov quesntion mark , byeee - 

eileen waited for people to start leave and byes in her chat and then she ended her stream. going over to jamies stream. rosie and eileen stayed there for a little , the girl thanked for the raid. but then both of the sisters got hungry. 

so rest of the night was spent talking about how much eileen enjoyed streaming as well as making food and watching the vampire diaries. 

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