chapter VIII

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eileen made sure that no one was downstairs or upstairs up and walking. she even went as far , as looking for kristofers car. and suprise, suprise it was him who drove away and their parents were fast asleep. the girl wanted to open up the front door , but it was locked. that defineatly means kristofer is not comming back today.

she went back up and ordered an uber for them. the girl got lucky, it would be there in ten minutes. they made sure to as quite as possible take all their things downstairs at the front door. eileen leaving her room compleatly empty just furniture and rosie leaving some un-important things and a little less than a half of her clothes. some shoe pairs as well. 

but eileen made sure to leave the rooms clean . rosie did not think they deserved it , but eileen was set on it . so after everything was done and the girls were outside with their stuff waiting for their uber , both smiled to each other. they would be gone for good . just a little more. 

in no time after they went outside the uber arrived. driving was a male in his late thirties by eileens eye. rosie said he more looked in his middle forties . the man was a little taken back by their suitcases, looking at them questinning but the girls just smiled. he helped them load the bags and after eileen said the adress , they were on the road . 

in this time-of-night the girls were driving for about two hours, still being hold back by some little traffic. on the way there, their uber driver put on the radio . there were slow songs and in matter of time rosie fell asleep on eileens shoulder. the girl smiled. giving a little peck on the top of the teenagers head she took her hand and looked out the window. this should be a new chapter in their life . 

when eileen knew , their were getting closer she woke up her sister and made sure she was okey. the car arrived at the apartament building complex and the polite man helped them with their stuff. eileen made sure to pay good and give good rating to the driver. he really was the best . eileen looked at her sister, rosie looked back at her. it was time for new beginnings. 

the girl walked in, eileen made sure to check in with the recaption and the girl made their way to the elevator. walking in and pushing the third story . the girls arrived in no time and eileen led the way to their apartment. when the girl walked in , rosie was in shock. 

- this is awesome eileen. oh my god . - the girl let her bags at the door and runned in the living area. eileen made sure to lock the door and take her shoes off. 

- yeah, well it is not the biggest but this would be our new living space . better than that house right ? - eileen looked at rosie with a hopeful look. 

the little girl walked up to her and gave eileen the warmest hug - its perfect e - 

eileen hugged her back. a tear slid down her cheek. 

- alright , well what we should do is put our stuff in our rooms and go to sleep. its six am , im pretty sure we should sleep. tommorow we need to go grocery shopping , i need to find a new job. because i did leave that one. 

we need to get seattled in as well. and now i think would be the perfect time to go to the police with our problems. there just might be a way i could be able to keep you here . with no legal problems. you are turning seventeen in june so , i hope it won't be a big problem. 

but now off to bed - eileen helped her sister to put her stuff in her room and gave her one quick hug before wishing a good night. eileen herself then went to her room with her stuff and put on an alarm for 11am. falling asleep in no matter of time, of her exhsaustion. 

eileen woke up next , not from the alarm but an hour  erlier by the sun shining in her eyes. she needs to get some curtians for sure. the older girl took her phone, no texts from no one yet. so they haven't noticed yet . eileen did not want to leave her bed so she layed around for another ten minutes but then she got up. 

leaving her bed not-made , the girl took out just some black jean shorts and a gray cropped tank top. putting that one , she took her makeup/bathroom bag and made her way over to the bathroom. eileen brushed her hair , put on some makeup and brushed her teeth. 

walking over to rosies room, she made sure to knock. no one answered so she peaked in , rosie was sttill peacefully sleeping. leaving her , knowing that shes super tired eileen made her way to her room. the first thing she was getting ready to do was unpack fully. 

aproxometly hour and a half went by , eileen had unpacked and stored everything she owned. by that time she had heard ruffling comming from rosies room. eileen didn't mind to bother , but took her computer and started looking for job opporuneties in the area. rosie came out to say hi and drink water from the sink, they didn't have dishes . and went back to un-packing while eileen conuted looking for jobs. 

at about one pm , the teenager was done and eileen had sent a request to three work-places. the girls seemed to be hungry so because they didn't have anything they decided to go out eat. nothing expensive, after that go grocery shopping. 

at breakfast , more like lunch the girls ordered salads and talked over the plans for future. they made sure to block every single contact they had with their parents and kristofer. after that they just went grocery shopping and made sure to buy dishes as well as some pots and pans. but just as much the two needed. 

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