chapter V

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on tuesdays moorning eileen woke up with and excited feeling in her stomach . today she would go look at one the apartaments she really liked and could afford renting .

eileen pit her hair in a bun and changed in a simple t-shirt with jean shorts . put on her converses and woke up rosie so she can get ready for school .

then eileens left for work , she had talked with her boss that the girl would start her shift earlier and finish earlier.

after the quite quick walk to her workplace she straight away started working . she also just needed a distraction from what kristofer did to her on Sunday .

it wasn't a day full of costumers like they had other days but there definitely were as many as eileen needed to get her distraction.

• • •

it was 3pm and eileen was now waiting for her uber , she will be going to see the apartament. it was scheduled at 4, and taking in the matter that driving till there will take plus , minus 50 minutes it was the perfect time .

the uber driver picked her up and on the way there he made small convo with her . he seemed like a nice guy and eileen was happy for that .

they arrived and eileen thanked him , payed him and left the car . she walked over to the apartment complex and walked to the third story , her room , knocked , and walked in after the ladies inside said she could .

she was already in awe when walking in the little area . they had thought about it and decided on a apartments with simple furniture . it was pricier but it will make due on the long run .

the nice ladies started speaking ,

"hello miss lake, I'm the women you called for this apartaments tour , my name is Andrea Forbes . "

"oh please call me eileen, hello ! "

"so would you like a tour ? "

"yes please "

eileen smiled and andrea started telling the younger girl ,

"so this is the kitchen / living room area . here when you walk in right to the right is the laundry and dryer machines. 

here on the left is the kitchen area with a small kitchen island separating living room area . so this is the living room area , simple . here on the right is the first door to first bedroom.

it's quite small but here this is the door to the bathroom , nothing special and going further is the closet . "

they walked over to the other room to the left ,

"this room is basically the same but mirrored "

they walked through it and eileen was more than happy with it .

they walked back in the kitchen area

"so miss lake , would like to live here ? are you okey with everything, maybe other questions ? "

"no not at all , and yes . i absolutely love the place . it's perfect for my need . "

"so you would like to call it your own ? "

"yes "

the two women smiled and eileen there at that moment signed the papers and payed the first rent money . because it was the end of april she payed for may.

eileen recieved the keys and andrea left . eileen called an Uber and left for home .

paying the uber eileen started walking towards the house she lived in . she stopped at the door when she heard screaming and crying .

the girl rushed inside and runned to the kitchen . there rosie was standing and crying while joleens yelled at her .

eileen aromatically runned to the little girl and took her hand off her face , there was a bruise on her cheek. eileen took her in a hug .

"move away eileen , this is a mother daughter talk and you are neither . so fuck off "

"shut up bitch , this is not the way to treat you daughter , let's go rosie "

she took the girl and they started walking out of the kitchen ,

"you'll regret this " this were the last words eileen heard before shutting the kitchen door

she took the crying girl to her room . they layer in her bed and cuddled until rosie was calm enough to talk .

"can you tell me why ? "

rosie nodded and started speaking , still stressed and red from all the crying .

"well first off at 2 when i finished school work and went downstairs to make myself tea father came home and he "

rosie started crying again , eileen tightened her huh around her .

" he . . . he touched me and . . . and kissed me . he left after an hour and the at 4 mother came back and asked me to clean the dishes .

i did but when I was putting away the final cup she runned into me and i dropped it . then she started yelling and we'll hit me "

eileen just hold the girl and started speaking ,

" rosie he is not your father . do not call him that. he's nowhere close to being it . you can call him by his name jeremy.

and joleen doesn't deserve you as her daughter. so she's not your mother. you can call her by her name . she doesn't deserve being called a mother by you .

and this is the last time you have to experience this , i promise . because i signed the papers if the apartment "

rosie looked up at the older girl

"really ? "

"yes we will leave as fast as we can , but now try calming down "

rosie nodded and went back to laying her head on eileen . the older girl put a blanket over them and put on some videos on the tv .

both of the girls fell asleep like this .

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