chapter XI

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eileen woke up earlier than usual, on a sunday morning. the girl got dressed in no time and put her hair up in ponytail. and on her feet there were running shoes . just so she's comfortable.

because it was still 7am , eileen quitley went through the living / kitchen area and locked the apartament door behind her . she took the elevator down to the first floor . said hello to the staff and left for the cake shop.

it was a five minute walk from her building , so in no time she was there for her cake , and then ten minutes later she was back home . setting up the cake on the kitchen counter with
balloons and couple of gift bags .

in about ten minutes rosie's closest friends she made here in la are coming over . and in about twenty minutes she herself is getting up.

eileen changed her outfit into riped mom jeans and a cropped black shirt with a flanel and let her hair down, brushing it . and changed her shoes to just some black filas. after that she just waited for rosie's friends.

right at 8am they knocked on the door , eileen quickly went to open it up.

-hi guys ! here come in , be quite she's still asleep - eileen let them in and closed the door .

- she should be yo in like ten minutes , here the presents on the counter , - eileen came up to it - oh so how's the cake ? what do you guys think ? -

the group looked at it .

- oh shit it's just like the photo - david said with an impressed looked .

- i said she does an amazing job at these cakes - amelia said confidently

rest if the group laughed .

- we should probably be more quite huh- thomas said and sat down in the coach

- so what is the plan for today ? - asked sofia as rest of the group sat down .

- well we will have like this breakfast cake and shit , we will give her the gifts . then we have paintball at 11am until 1pm. after that we go get lunch where ever really . after that we

go swimming / to the beach . we come back here stay for a bit . and later in night we go to the abonaded building and have the picnic thingy watch the sunset n shit . -

- okey wow i wished my sister was this cool - mathew said with an impressed look

eileen just laughed . - yeah well she deserves it and i was the same when i was ur guyses age.

eileen heard the alarm go off in rosie's bedroom . she showed rest if the group to be quite and went in the room.

* * *

on the morning after rosies bday, eileen woke up at about 11 am, with a little hangover. the girl couldn't really drink she had six seventeen year old to watch over. talking about them, they are sleeping in the living room. the girl got up and walked to her bathroom to freshen'up. she splashed water on her face and put her hair in a bun. 

in the kitchen she made sure not to wake up the group, their apartment was a mess. eileen knew they would want to eat so she started making pancakes. they were lucky that eileen bought more dishes , or else there wouldn't be enough. 

the girl had almost finished when first people of the group started waking up. the morning went by the kids waking up , asking for water and eating breakfast. at one they started leaving and at two all of them were gone. 

- alright rosie, it ain't your birth day no more, help clean up - eileen yelled to the girl from kitchen where she started cleaning up. 

- comming - rosie came in and joined to help her older sister. 

plus minus two hours went by and the apartment was clean as new. eileen decided to stream. so she asked her sister if she wanted to join , rosie said why not. and so the girl started her stream. with now a camera, a mic , a chair and headphones. still with no starting soon or sub count on screen doe. 

the girl waited for people to join, and for a big suprise in less than five minutes there were already thirty people. 

- alright hi chat! second stream ever pog? rosies here with me as well - 

- hi chat , im here - 

- yeah we celabrated her bday yesterday so we kinda tired today - right as she said that the chat wished rosie a happy late bday. 

-ahh thanks chat - rosie answered and eileen smiled 

- so as you can see from the title we're making socials today and setting up stream layout. i think let's start with socials. yeah? yeahh okey - eileen took her phone 

- so all i have is a instagram and youtube account. but the insta is with zero everything so i'll just make a new one . the same with youtube. i think we start with insta yeah?- her chat agreed 

- okey, so let me just set up the personal info . . . here so what should the name be ? -  eileen looked at her chat - i mean yeah the same as twitch makes sense so let it be eileenxo aaannndd yess it isn't taken less goo. - 

eileen had made an account - okey now what do i do, a profile photo and bio right? - 

-yes eileen , your acting like you haven't used instagram at all - rosie added to chats laughing

- shut up , anyway the bio - 

so eileen made an instagram account , twitter account, youtube , tik tok account. then she of course got her stream layout done. making a sub count, latest follower, latest subscriber, her socials on the screen with a cute font. as well as finding a starting soon screen. 

at the end of her stream, her chat peer presured her into making a youtube for her streams as well. so she did that , all though she didn't know why would she need one. the girl also reached top of 200 viewers, which was a suprise for the sisters. 

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