Walking into the bathroom I styled my hair into loose waves and started applying some makeup. I put on a light coverage foundation, blush and bronzer. Then I applied some brow products and a light amount of eyeshadow. I focused on making a winged eyeliner, curled my lashes and secured them by putting on some mascara. Lastly I grabbed my favorite red lipstick. Looking down at my chest a smile creeped to my lips. I was still wearing Matteos necklace and won't take it off. It'll fit perfectly with the dress.

I went out of the bathroom and entered the walk in closet. There were hanging my two options. The one that the owner of the boutique first gave me and the red one which according to Matteo would suit me perfectly. Without thinking I decided to wear the red one. It had long sleeves which was perfect since it's still fall and pretty cold outside. The dress had a low neckline revealing some of my cleavage and showcasing my beautiful necklace. It was long and touched the ground. On the right side was a high slit that showed my leg if I walk or move. I paired it with silver high heels and a silver clutch which matched the same tone my necklace has.

 I paired it with silver high heels and a silver clutch which matched the same tone my necklace has

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(A/N: I know a lot of you have strong opinions so I hope you like the dress. If not, just imagine a different one.)

Checking the time again I saw that I received a messed and read it.

From: Matteo
Hey angel
Come downstairs I'm waiting for you in the living room.

I made my way downstairs into the living room and saw him looking as perfect as always. He was wearing a black tux, a white dress shirt and a black tie. His hair is somehow styled but at the same time a little messy. Through the tux you were able to see the outlines of his muscles and the light stubble was still on his face. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Like I already said, he looks like sex on legs.

"Emily, you are the most stunning and gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes on.", he said in a serious yet sweet voice. His statement made me blush instantly. Will I ever get used to someone complimenting me that much? He truly means every word he says.

"And you're the most handsome and hottest man I've ever seen.", I told him while walking over to him and placing a soft kiss to his lips.
"Are you ready to go?", he asked holding a hand out for me.
"I am.", I answered smiling up at him and taking his hand. "Where are your parents?"
"They are already at the location waiting for us."

We went outside of the villa and a black limousine was waiting for our. My eyes widened. I have never been in one and this looks so luxurious. Matteo lightly tugged on my hand and guided me towards the limousine. Once we sat down the driver started hitting the road.

"You haven't told me about the deal you want to make with Russo.", I stated.
"It's nothing you have to worry about. Mainly we will help him gain more money."
"Do you think he'll agree?"
"I hope so. If not it was worth a try. At least today he won't do anything. Cristian and Raffael are still trying to find out when he'll make a move.", Matteo answered.

Don't Leave Me Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora