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It was 1 am and George couldn't sleep, he hasn't gotten much sleep in days, and when he did it was only for an hour at a time. George opened discord he noticed his friend Dream was online.

George: Hey Dream

Dream responded almost immediately.

Dream: Hey George

George: Wanna call?

Dream: yeah also I'm streaming.

George: Alright

-Dreams P.O.V-

"Ok guys I'm going to call George now," I smiled as I called George.

"Hi Dream," He sounded tired.

"George you sound tired what time is it for you?" I asked.

"it's 1," the British boy answered, I didn't want to tell him to leave but I really wanted him to get some sleep.

"Dream can the stream hear me?" George asked.

"yeah," I answered

"Okay, Hi chat," George said and then yawned.

"George get some sleep after the stream," I told him.

We played on the SMP for a bit longer, we played a game where we would gamble. After like half an hour I had lost a lot of my items.

"George please gamble the diamond blocks I need them for something," I pleaded.

"Okay sure," He sighed.

Not too long after I had won the blocks back we ended stream.

"Talk to you later," I said going to end the call when Sapnap joins.

"Shit this is in a group chat," I thought.

"Hey, guys wanna sleep call?" Sapnap asked.

"I'm fine with it," George yawned.

"Okay then, should we mute or," I said but Sapnap cut me off.

"No, we are going to be unmuted," Sapnap said.

-George P.O.V-

I have been in this call for hours both Dream and Sapnap are asleep, I can't sleep like I will try but I can't sleep.

I look over at my phone and see that it's 8. I get up and walk downstairs to make some toast, that ended up burnt. I put some butter on it and poured a glass of apple juice, and walked back up to my room to see if Sapnap or Dream have woken up.

~Time skip~

-Dream P.O.V-

"Morning," I say forgetting that the others are probably still asleep.

"Hey Dream," George said sounding even more tiered than last night.

"George, did you sleep well?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Not really," He admitted.

We talked for a bit when Sapnap woke up.

"Hey, guys I meant to talk to you about this thing before we went to sleep," Sapnap yawned.

"Okay so I bought us a house," Sapnap said, I didn't know what to say.

"Okay," George said I could hear him smile.

"Karl is here right now, you guys can move in when your ready," Sapnap added and I could hear Karl knock on the door.

"Bye guys, I sent the address in our group chat," Sapnap left the call after that.

"Soooo George when do you think you'll move in?" I asked I know that George does have face cam but I am really excited to see him in person.

"I don't know soon though maybe in like a month," He said as he yawned.

"Hey George you should go back to sleep, you've sounded really tired lately," I spoke softly.

-Georges P.O.V-

When I say I was red I mean I was red, Dreams words were so soft-spoken. Shit, we're going to live together, I can't blush whenever he speaks, he will surely notice.

"George??" Dream said confused.

"sorry zoned out," I chuckled.

"go to sleep," Dream spoke this time it wasn't as soft as last time.

I left the call so he would think I'm asleep and closed discord.

and I opened Twitter.


That's chapter one pog.

remember to eat something, drink water, get some sleep, and take care of yourself.


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