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I wake up in my old room in the castle wearing a dress. "Your awake!" Jungkook smiles at me.

I look around the empty room "Where are the others?" Jungkook's smile quickly fades "Let's go, I should show you around the castle." Jungkook says avoiding the question.

I follow Jungkook from room to room trying to map every inch of the castle in my head. I see the staircase from my vision, I start moving towards it.

Jungkook grabs my arm "That staircase leads to a very....private room." Jungkook's voice growls.

He pulls me along till we reach a garden area "Feel free to roam this area, I have something important to attend to."

Once he leaves I start looking around the garden until I come across a little vent. I pull the cover off and slid into the small space.

I make sure to close it behind me though just in case I'm not back by the time he is.

I follow the path that's colder. I stop moving when I see another vent on the floor , I look through it and see some of the guys and....Wonho.

I quietly pull the cover off the vent and set the covering to the side.

I hear Wonho apologizing to the guys as I get closer by lowering myself down from the vent onto the ground.

"If your really sorry you'll help me get them out" Wonho turns to me, with shock covering his face.

"How did you get in here?" He whispers, I point upwards towards the vent I came out of.

"Oh your smart, I'll help you get them out. But before we do anything like that we need to plan and have everything ready."

"Thank you" I whisper, he nods. "Go ahead and get out of here before someone sees you, and I'll meet you in the garden when it's dark so no one sees us."

I walk up to the cell holding Haechan, Mark, Shotaro, Renjun, and Chenle. "I'm going to get you guys out of here."

Haechan puts both his hands on the bars and whispers "The others are a room down, and the guards have our weapons."

After saying my goodbyes to the guys I go back up through the vent, put the cover back on and go back to the garden to wait for Jungkook so he won't suspect anything.


After Jungkook came back I waited in my room till it got dark, I managed to sneak out and get to the garden.

Wonho was waiting for me in the garden just like he said he would. Doing this makes me remember old times.

"Don't worry Jaemin he's not going to find us" I say trying to calm the anxious boy in front of me "But what if-" I put my hands on his shoulders.

"He's not going to see us" I repeat, this time in a softer tone. Jaemin nods, I let go of his shoulders and he closes his eyes.

The flowers I brought lift into the sky glowing happily. I look at the floating flowers in awe, seeing them like that never cease to amaze me.

"It's so beautiful" I whispers, I turn and walk to Jaemin. I look at his face, his eyes still closed, mouth barley parted, hair laying gently on his face. "Pretty." I whisper.

I brush some of his hair out of his face, he quickly opens his eyes and the flowers all drop a little lower and starts slowly spinning around us.

I can see every little detail of his skin from how close we are. The light illuminating from the flowers leaves a gentle glow on Jaemin's skin.

His eyes sparkle in the light from the flowers as they dance around us.

"Jiah?" Wonho calls my name bringing me back to reality. "Hm?"

"I was saying that I haven't seen Jaemin in either of the cells the other guys are in." Wonho repeats.

I remember the dream of someone being tortured and seeing that staircase. I put my hand over my mouth as I take a sharp inhale of the air.

"What?" I look into Wonho's worried eyes before saying "I think I know where he is, and I think he was the one being tortured."

I explain everything to Wonho starting with the dreams and visions I've been having. "Can you try to find out if he's the one being tortured for sure?"

"I can try but I need you to try as well, see if Jungkook will let you work in the room Jaemin is being kept in or at least tell you where he is."

"We'll keep meeting back here every 2 days at around this time." I nod and head back to my room.

(A/N: Excuse this boring chapter my brain has creative mode turned off at the moment.)

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