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Jaemin wiped his tears from his cheeks and gave me a smile. He shook his head no as he tried to calm his breathing.

I gave him a sad look and pulled him into a hug, he buried his face into my chest and started crying again "I thought I lost you" he whispered sobbing.

The whole walk back to the house was silent. Jaemin had stopped crying but his eyes were still bright red and his breathing wasn't all the way back to normal.

When we entered the house Jaemin ran to his room and locked his self in. "What's wrong with him?" Chenle asks "Long story. I had another dream...."

"Did you see the women again?" Haechan asks "No, I was in a cellar and there was a man asking where you guys were hiding.....and he tortured me until he" I stopped and looked down "until he killed me."

Haechan looks at me with wide eyes and he starts pacing around the room. "I'm guessing that's not a good sign", Haechan looks at me and says "there is a possibility you saw something that will happen in the future or something similar to what will happen."

"SOMEONE IS GOING TO PAINFULLY MURDER ME IN THE FUTURE?" I shout out "Shhh! you don't want Jaemin to hear do you?" Chenle scolds me. "I'm not saying you will die, it could have been someone else but you were seeing through their eyes." Haechan explains.

"So I need you to tell me everything you remember about the room you were in and who ever was there with you" Haechan says. I told Haechan and Chenle the all details I remembered, Haechan nodded at me and told me to "Keep this between us 3 at the moment, and he will tell the others"


A few days have passed since I had the dream. Jaemin hasn't came out of his room once since the day at the bridge. The guys have tried to get him to come out but nothing happens, he won't even talk. Taeyong has been training me since Jaemin hasn't been able to.

The guys and me spent the whole day out trying to forget about the building worry in all of us over Jaemin. When we all got back home it was really late, I sat in my room unable to take my mind off Jaemin.

I sat up giving one last thought before heading to Jaemin's room. I hesitantly knock on his door. silence. I try to open the door but it doesn't move since it's still locked. I rest my hand on the door handle and use my powers to move it really fast causing the lock to move around and come unlocked just like Taeyong taught me to.

I turn the handle and the door pushes open, I slowly walk into the room. The room is a mess, his mirror is broken and his floor his covered with stuff. I see Jaemin laying in his bed, back facing the door.

I walk over to the bed and sit down. "Jaemin" I whisper, Jaemin looks over his shoulder at me then looks back at the wall in front of him. I gently shake him and say "don't ignore me"

He turns over so he's now facing me, my eyes widen at the sight of him. He's ghost white, with red puffy eyes, it looks like he hasn't slept in days, he looks so weak and exhausted. "Please stop this and take care of yourself"

I reach out and push his hair back, he weakly grasps my hand "Jaemin your freezing!" Jaemin's eyes start filling with tears "please stay with me" he croaks, my heart breaks from the sound of his voice.

"How about we go to my room since the state of yours isn't the best right now?" he nods and sits up, he takes whats clearly his first step in a while since he almost falls back down to the bed.

I put my arm around his waist and he puts his around my shoulder to support his flimsy body. We slowly make our way to my room. I gently sit him down on my bed and go to the kitchen to get him some food. I sat down beside him and handed him the food, he looks at me and shakes his head. "You need to eat" I tell him.

He takes the food and starts eating, he eats most of the food and puts the plate on the nightstand once he's done. I wrap a thick blanket around him earning a pouty look, a smile creeps onto my face from the sight of him acting more normal.

"cute" he mutters smiling, he unwraps the blanket around him and lays it down covering the both of us. He lays down, just as I'm about to move he grabs my arm and asks "where are you going?"

"I was going to give you the whole bed and sleep on my couch-" Jaemin shakes his head and pulls me back so that I'm now laying down. He wraps both his arms around me and traps my legs with his. "Your not going anywhere"

"Sure about that?" I smile and try to get out of his grasp but not with enough force to actually get away from him. As he tries to keep my body contained he keeps saying "sexy" causing my stomach to hurt from laughing too hard "Ok ok you win" I say trying to calm my laughter.

Jaemin smiles at me before closing his eyes and going to sleep for the first time in days. His face is so close to mine I can see all the little details of his skin. He looks so peaceful sleeping and...happy. I fall asleep not long after he does, this was the best sleep both of us have ever had.

Remember // Jaemin ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora