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❗️Keep in mind the characters in this story may not act like the ones in real life because the story is fiction

(A/N: whenever you see these lines ---- that means there was a time skip or the scene changed. Also Jiah's name is pronounced like how you would pronounce Ji-ah)


I put my hand on my throbbing forehead and close my eyes. While my eyes are closed I see an image of a group of boys in the woods then fire and I hear screaming.

I clench my fists watching the scene play, it almost feels as if I'm there and around fire.
I feel a tap on my hand, my eyes dart open and look to my right.

"Are you ok?" Gahyeon whispers.

"Yeah, my head is just killing me" I shake my head trying to bring my focus back to what's going on in class.

"Haven't you had a headache all week? Maybe your getting sick..."

"I went to see a doctor yesterday, he said I was completely fine." I grab my bag and search for my headache medicine, I take out one of the capsules and down it with some of the water in Gahyeon's bottle.

Throughout the rest of class I fight to keep my eyes open and stay focused. Finally after what felt like forever the class was over and I could leave.

On my walk home my vision starts getting blurry and I start feeling dizzy, I try to grab onto something close by but there's nothing in reach.

My breathing starts getting faster and my chest feels heavy, I put my hands on my knees and take deep breaths in and out.

I start hearing a high pitched ringing in my ears, I quickly lift my hands to my ears in attempt to silence the sound.

"Burn her, burn her, burn the witch!" The chanting continues as the ringing gets louder and my breathing gets even faster.

I sway back and forth like the leaves on a tree in the breeze. I take a step forward then make a dash for the forest.

My legs quickly carry me along through the wooded area, I didn't know where I was going. It felt like I wasn't in control, I was just going where my legs took me. The chanting and ringing continues to get louder and louder.

I slow down and fall to my knees clamping my hands over my ears once again. I put my head against the ground then lift it, with my eyes closed I let out a pained scream as loud as I can.

I feel something almost like a blast of energy flow through me, and all the noise stops. I slowly open my eyes, panting to see the trees around me that where standing before all down on the ground in a circle around me.

"What the hell-" I stand up turning staring at all the big trees that are now on the ground. I shake my head and latch onto my hair.
"Did I just- No that's impossible" I laugh at my thoughts.

I look down at the ground and take a deep breath in "There's no possible way I did this..."


I shut the door to my room and press my back against it thinking about what happened in the forest. My phone starts to vibrate, I take it out of my pocket and set it to silent.

I put my bag on my desk and I drop onto my bed. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, something I haven't been able to do for the past few weeks.

I zoom past trees, I hear the horses feet hitting the soft ground. "BRING HER TO ME!" Someone from behind me yells. I go tumbling down a small slope, someone helps me back up to my feet then pulls me to a mossy rock.

He gets down on the ground and climbs into an opening the rock is shielding that no one would see endless they were looking for it. "Who are you?" I ask looking from him to my surroundings.

"Get in!" He whisper screams, I take a few small steps backwards before he speaks again causing me to stop in my tracks "Get in before you get yourself killed."

I look around, the sound of the men on the horses getting louder and closer. I let out a sigh and quickly climb into the gap just as the dark headed boy did.

The area is small, we both have to crouch down endless we want to hit our heads.

"Why are- " before I finish my sentence the boy puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me close to him.

He puts his finger to his mouth signaling for me to quiet down then points to a gap between the rock above us and the ground.

I see many men on brown horses holding torches gathering together. "Did anyone see where the girl went?" A stern voice bellowed.
"I think I saw her with the boy" a timid voice spoke to a man on a white horse.

"YOU THINK? HA, YOUR ALL USELESS! FIND THEM BOTH AND BRING THEM TO BE!" The man screamed and they all disappeared into the trees.

The boy uncovered my mouth and sat back against a rock wall. The boy had beautiful dark brown orbs, his lips were a shade mixed between red and pink.

I started to feel heat against my skin, I look behind me and see everything around me becoming engulfed by orange flames. I look back to the boy, who is now starting to fade.

I reach my hand out trying to hold onto him, he gives me a smile then disappears. The flames and fear completely engulf me.

I try moving but I go nowhere, it's almost like I'm frozen in water. I close my eyes for a split second and everything goes black.

I start moving forward observing the void around me. I see a women that feels very familiar in front of me, she turns away and starts walking.

"Wait!" I call out to the women watching her move father from me, I run after her and when I try to grab her arm she disappears into a white cloud of smoke.

"Jiah" A voice from behind me calls out, I turn to see another boy with a few moles on his face, and a caramel shade of brown hair.

He points to a direction and I immediately look where he's pointing, my surroundings different once again. I'm in a huge crowd of loud cheering people now. I look around confused by what's going on.

I get pulled to the right by the boy with the Caramel hair, I notice we are both wearing cloaks. "What's going on? Who are you?" I ask hoping for an answer.

"We'll meet soon....Pay attention, remember what is happening and what she looks like" the boy instructed and pointed to a women attached to a wooden stake.

"BURN HER, BURN THE WITCH!" The crowd chanted. The women stayed oddly calm. I listened to what the boy said and study her face and what she was wearing, soon flames surrounded her.

My eyes dart open and I shoot up into a sitting position drenched in sweat panting...

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now