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For the next few days Jaemin made me stay off my leg until it was completely healed with the help of Yuta's remedies by making me stay in his bed.

The only time he left me alone was to get food, and water for me, and when I was using the bathroom.

Chenle was the first person other than Yuta or Jaemin to talk to me. He just kept apologizing for letting me go into the forest.

I told Chenle it wasn't his fault but no matter what I say he keeps blaming his self, it seems like what happened shook him up more than what it did to me.

Yuta went back into the forest to find my phone, he found it but it was completely crushed.

Jaemin let me play on his phone though so I wasn't too bored.

He slept on his couch every night. I tried to get him to sleep in the bed since it's his, but refused because he was scared he was going to do something that will cause my leg to hurt.

Yuta checked up on me and my leg once every 1 or 2 days. My leg is finally fully healed now, well enough for me to start moving on it again.

Yuta knocks on the door before opening it and coming in. "Last time you have to drink my concoction of evil as you call it."

Yuta hands me a small cup filled with a dark green thick liquid. I lift the cup as high as I can so everything can transfer from the cup to my mouth as quickly as possible.

I cringe at the awful taste before swallowing the medicine and handing the empty cup to Yuta.

As Yuta turns to leave I tell him "thank you" causing him to stop and turn back to me with a smile.

"If your really that thankful why don't you get up and start using that leg I fixed for you."

I give Yuta a smile and practically run out of that room. It feels so good to finally be up and moving again.

I head to the kitchen and out of nowhere a sharp pain comes from my head along with a loud screeching noise.

I prop myself up against a wall and slowly start sliding towards the ground as my vision fades from here and goes to another place.

"Kookie you can't keep sending your men just for them to get killed!"

A boy that looks similar to a bunny scoffs and walks closer to another "Don't ever call me that"

"I'm not going to call you sir like your other followers because if you didn't know YOUR NO BETTER THAN THE REST OF US, ESPECIALLY ME!" The pink haired boy yells.

As the pink haired boy leaves the room the other whispers "Jimin" then he walks to a wall and hits it.

"Jiah are you okay?" I hear a worried voice ask as I start to regain awareness of my surroundings.

"Yeah....I think I know the white horse guy's name."


"His name is Kookie?" Taeyong asks repeating what I told him and the others. "I don't know, it could be a nickname. All I know is he wasn't very happy when he heard that name."

"There was another person there, his name was Jimin" Jungwoo's eyes widen once he hears the name Jimin.

"Do you know what either of the people look like?" Jungwoo asks with hopeful eyes. "I mainly remembers things like their hair colors, Jimin had pink hair, Kookie had brown hair and he kinda looks like a bunny."

"I think I might know who the Jimin guy is" Jungwoo walks out of the room heading towards the computer room.

We all follow Jungwoo, he pulls up a name and a picture on the computer then moves aside "Is this him."

I look at the screen and see the exact person from my vision. I nod yes, Jungwoo's eyes loses all the hope that was in them.

"You know him?" Renjun says to Jungwoo "Yeah, we used to be friends but we stopped talking sometime after he found out I have magic."

"Do you know where he lives?" Jungwoo waits a few minutes before answering "Yes, endless he moved."

"Great let's go" I say going towards the door "Maybe we should make a plan instead of going in there blind" Xiaojun suggests.

"You guys start planning and I'll start training." all the guys look over to Jaemin "I guess I'll go talk to her."

Jaemin follows me to the outdoor training ground "You just finished healing I don't really think training is a good idea right now."

"If I can't protect myself how am I supposed to protect any of you if I need to?"

"Jiah maybe you should just stop and take a break" I give Jaemin a confused look.

"You have been working the most out of all of us to try to find these guys, you haven't really stopped and took a break."

"I'm going to use the time we're taking to find him to prepare for when I need to use my powers."

Jaemin squeezes his nose bridge "you really don't listen do you?"

"Nope" Jaemin laughs and shakes his head at my answer. I hear him say "unbelievable" under his breath as he leaves to go back in the house.

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now