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I look carefully at everything the convenient store has in their snack isle.The bell on the door rings and incomes another person. I hear something click then someone screaming "Put all the money in the bag!"

I look around the corner of the isle and see a masked man pointing a gun at the cashiers head. Someone grabs me from behind, I let out a yelp. The person drags me to the cash register.

"found this one, maybe we can have a bit of fun with her" the man holding me chuckles. "How about you leave with no one harmed, the money still in the register and I'll let this one slide" Both the robbers start laughing.

"What are you going to do?" the guy holding me asks. The cashier shuts the register "Is that it?" the guy with the gun asks, the cashier nods quickly.

"Sorry but since you've seen our faces you know what has to happen" as the guy moves his finger to pull the trigger I teleport, grab the cashier, then teleport outside. A gunshot sound comes from inside the store.

"I'm alive?" the cashier looks at my in complete shock. "Run, go get the police" the cashier nods and takes off in the direction of the police station.

The robbers come walking outside "How did you do that?" I shrug in response. The guy raises his gun, I teleport behind him as he shoots. I kick the back over his knee causing him to fall onto his knees.

I grab the gun out of his hand, knock him out and point the gun at his partner "On your knees now" I demand, looking at him with a straight face. The guy quickly gets onto his knees "please don't kill me" he starts shaking.

"You probably deserve to die but lucky for you I'm not like you so I'll spare you" I hit him in the head with the gun, knocking him out.

I grab some rope from the store, I move the unconscious boys closer together, then tie them up together and wait.

The police arrive, I hand the gun to them and explain what happened. "How did you detain them all on your own?" An officer asked "I took martial arts as a kid" the police take notes and nod.

The cashier grabs my arm pulling me away from everyone and thanks me. "SHe IS aN ALIEN!" The boys scream as they start waking up and realizing whats happening.

The police shove the screaming guys into the back of their car and drive off. "Do you mind if I get snacks real quick" I ask "Take whatever you want, on the house." The cashier and me go back into the store to get all the snacks together.


"Where have you been?" Jaemin asks as I walk in the front door "Saving someone" I say as I walk to my room, Jaemin gets up off the couch and follows me.

"Who did you save?" I put all the snacks I got in my closet "A cashier" Jaemin gives me a doubtful look.

"No for real where were you" I turn to Jaemin and look him directly in his eyes "saving someone's life" I say with a straight face "Wait your serious? Did you use your powers?"

"Yeah, if I didn't the cashier would've got shot and I would have too"

"Do you know how dangerous what you just did was?" I sigh and put my hands on Jaemin's shoulders.

"Jaemin calm down, I'm fine, everything is fine you don't need to worry."

"You know your going to have to tell the other right?", I nod. "I'll tell them later." Jaemin gives me a smile.

I look at him full of suspicion "Make sure you keep your schedule for this weekend empty" Jaemin says then turns to leave the room.

I grab his hand and pull him closer to me "Why?" I ask, he looks everywhere but my eyes and says "I can't tell you"

I put my hand on Jaemin's chest and push him back until he runs into my bed and falls back onto it.

I climb on top of him and say "Why won't you tell me?" I move my face inches away from Jaemin's so he has to look at me.

A smirk creeps across his face "I don't give in that easy"

"Your such a tease" I sit up, pouting. "You'll just have to wait and see" Jaemin says patting my head.


Time skip to the next day

I set down the last plate of breakfast for the guys. "What's all this?" Jaehyun asks pointing at the table filled with plates.

"I made everyone breakfast" Mark and Johnny come running to the table.

"Thanks" Johnny and Mark say in unison. "I'll go get the others" Jaehyun states before going off in the other direction.

Haechan walks into the kitchen barley awake and sits at the table. "Why did you make breakfast for everyone?" Haechan questions eyeing me suspiciously.

I put my hands in front of me and tell him "I was thinking we could use our powers to help people"

Haechan sits back in his chair "It's too dangerous-"

"If you guys won't do anything at least let me, we were given powers we should use them for more than just protecting ourselves" I say over Haechan.

"Jiah-" Haechan tilts his head a little to the side "If you understand the dangers you could put yourself or us in and your willing to except the consequences then go ahead" Taeyong cuts Haechan off, joining the others at the table.

"You can't be serious, this is a terrible idea!" Haechan shouts

Taeyong looks at Haechan "Even if we tell her not to do anything she won't listen" Taeyong's stone is cold as ice, he looks to me "Anything else you would like to tell us?"

I look down at the ground "I used my powers to save someone already.."

Haechan scoffs and looks away from me "If I didn't the person would've been killed and I would've probably been killed to after they had their way with me" I shout at Haechan.

Haechan looks down at the floor and I go to the library.

Remember // Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now