Depuis le début

Draco suddenly lifted her up by the waist and sat her up on the desk before them. She gasped as he moved swiftly to stand between her legs, closing the gap between them. The pads of his fingers brushed over her thighs, causing electricity to flow through her veins.  Lucy's heart was pounding against her ribcage. Boldly, she reached up and placed a hand on his chest. She could feel his lean muscles underneath the thin fabric of his uniform top.

She was snogging Draco Malfoy.

 In the library.

Draco finally pulled away from her touch, his pink lips swollen. Lucy looked up at him as her chest heaved breathlessly. The pale boy rested his forehead against hers, his warm breath fanning her face softly.

"Let me guess, that was a mistake too?" Lucy quipped with a raised brow as he backed up a bit.

"No, fuck—I didn't mean to do that," muttered Draco, running a hand through his pale hair. 

"Well I mean, I'm not complaining—" began Lucy before her words faded into an involuntarily giggle.

Her eyes widened and she quickly placed a hand over her mouth to cover the noise. Madam Pierce would have them both killed for laughing let alone snogging in her library.

"What's so fucking funny, Armstrong?" demanded Draco as he offered a hand to help her down from the desk. Lucy took it gingerly and landed on the floor.

"You kissed me," A smile tugged on her lips as she replied.

"Merlin, you're rather observant, aren't you?" Draco snapped sarcastically, tidying his shirt that had gotten crinkles in it from the sudden kiss.

Lucy rolled her eyes and began to lead the way over to the desk she had abandoned her belongings at. Draco followed behind her with a bored expression, clearly abandoning whatever he had been looking for.

"Er—you were here to write your paper right?"  he asked quietly, towering over the desk as Lucy sat down.

She nodded. Draco stiffly slid into the chair next to her.  "I don't suppose you have an extra scroll of parchment?"

Lucy smiled softly and retrieved one from her rucksack before handing it over to him.

"And...a quill?" 

She dug in her bag for two quills before pulling out a pot of dark black ink.

The two scribbled away at their papers in a comfortable silence. Every so often, Draco would ask a small question or reach over Lucy's hand to turn the pages on the textbook. Each time he did so, their skin would brush ever so slightly and their gazes would meet.

After successfully writing five whole pages on elemental transfiguration, the two called it quits and left for the Great Hall.

"Draco?" hummed Lucy as they turned the corridor.


"What were you doing in the Restricted Section?"

Draco tensed at her question. "I was just looking around, that's all,"

Lucy seemed to doubt this response but thought best not to ruin his good mood. However, there was most definitely something going on with Draco that Lucy couldn't quite put her finger on. She wanted to ask a billion questions about why he was snogging her and what it meant, but instead she stayed silent.

Draco seemed tense as they approached the moving staircases. A vein popped out in his forehead, and his brows furrowed as they began to move.

"You can talk to me you know," murmured Lucy, gazing up to him.

The tall boy glanced down at her, his expression relaxing. He did not reply but rather gave her a sheepish smile. She reached into the side of her robe pocket and placed her tortoiseshell glasses upon the bridge of her nose as they entered the Great Hall.

"Lucy! Where the fuck were you?" Arielle demanded as soon as the two were within sight.

"Library," she retorted nervously. "I ran into Draco there,"

"Charming," grimaced Arielle as the two seated themselves.

Lucy eagerly placed a steaming baked potato on her plate and placed a generous blob of butter on top of it.

"Lucy! You're looking beautiful as ever!" beamed Theo, sitting down across from her in his dirty Quidditch uniform, something that had become increasingly common. Draco scowled next to her at this comment.

"Malfoy, I'm still pissed that you dropped Quidditch," Theo told the blonde boy. "We're fucked without you on the team!"

"Sorry, I just can't find the bloody time," Draco told them all in a low tone.

"What's with you and all the excuses lately, mate? What is this 'important business' you keep mentioning?" scowled Blaise before biting into his steak.

"I can't say," replied Draco vaguely.

"Why the fuck not?" protested Theo with a furrowed brow, slamming his cup down onto the table.

"Because if I tell anyone, I could get killed," he snapped. "Now drop it."

"You what?" Lucy yelped from beside him, peering at him with wide eyes.

"Lucy, I'll be fine!" exclaimed Draco angrily before he got up in a hurry and stormed out of the Great Hall.

Lucy sat there dumbfounded and shocked as sharp rain began to patter against the windows.  Thunder crackled above as the dark, cloudy skied ceiling grew dark and dreary.

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*:・゚✧

author's note:
poor lucy but not really because
she got to snog draco...
my man is down bad
snogging in the library🥵

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