Chapter 35: Aunt Mara

Start from the beginning

The idea of Ellie murdering Wyatt didn't faze Mark in the slightest. He shrugged before grabbing another tool from the kit. "Cool. Just let me know when you're gonna do it so I can record it." He started working again.

About thirty more minutes past until Ellie was fully repaired. Mark worked way faster than he expected and he gave himself a literal pat on the back, though Ellie would definitely need wire replacements after all of this was over. Either way, it was good enough.

She sat up and stretched out her joints. She felt rusted over, which wasn't true, but it wouldn't be a surprise if that were the case when she was drenched in water.

Ellie hopped off the bed to hug Mark. "Thank you very much."

He hugged her back. "No prob, Bob!"

"My name is not Bob."

"What? No, I meant-"

She cut him off when she let go of him, pointing to the tool box. "What is the sharpest object you have in there?"

"Oooooh! Murder time! I love it!" Mark handed her the tool kit while he started digging around again. "Let's seeeeeeeeeeee... Ooh! We have a hammer! That's a classic! Annnnddddddd... oh oh! How about pillars?! We can use it to yank out his teeth!"

Ellie took the hammer. "This will do. You can join in if you want." She was monotone as usual, but secretly pretty excited. She missed murder dearly. "As soon as he closes the holographic door, we attack. Then we take his key to the cells and get everyone out of here. Somehow." She didn't know how they were going to fight off evil robots or any of the other F.O.W.L members, but they always figured something out.

Mark grabbed a handful of nails and stuffed them into his cardigan pocket just in case. He also made sure to grab the pillars before putting the toolkit on the ground. "Awwwwwwwww yeahhhhh! This is gonna be so much fun oh my god I can't wait to see him cry like a baby when you- oh shit he's coming back!"

Wyatt approached the door and turned off the holographic panel and stepped inside. He looked pale and he was shaking a little. "U-ummmm... I- I am not sure how to say this but... Boyd is... gone. I don't know where he is. I checked his cell and he wasn't in there. The only thing I noticed was that the air vent was tampered with inside of his cell."

Ellie decided to put murder on hold for a second. "What do you mean he is gone?! Did he escape?! Did you check if he was with Mr. B?!"

He started to shake more. "I didn't tell Mr. B that he was gone! I-I really don't know where he went! I'm so sorry!"

Alright. That was all the information Ellie was going to get from him so he may as well have been useless to her now. She immediately tackled him, raising the hammer up. She brought it down and he dodged it just by a hair. It practically grazed his cheek as it smashed into the tiled floor, causing a major dent.

Wyatt used his arms to cover his face while he squeezed his eyes shut. "Ellie! P-P-Please don't kill m-me! I-I know you're mad!" He started crying "B-But please! PLEASE! Spare my life! I-I really want to be good again!" His crying started getting louder.

Ellie was about to bring the hammer down again but stopped last minute, her eyes softening. He truly was a really good guy when she first met him.

Still holding Wyatt down, she turned to look at Mark to hear what he thought about this. If he believed Wyatt still deserved to die then she would do it. Pretty stupid to put a life or death decision in Mark's hands but that's what she was doing.

Mark knew what she was getting at by looking at him and he shrugged again. "Let him go, Ellie. The more people we have on our side the better." Damn. He really wanted to see his wife beat the shit out of Wyatt...

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