Chapter 32: Goth IHOP

Start from the beginning

"You are very welcome!"

Wyatt barged in. Yes, he was still wearing the cape. "Alright! Who should go first?"

Everyone looked at Wyatt only to see him slapping a very large knife against his hand in a threatening way.

Wyatt answered the question for himself and pointed the end of the knife at Mark. "How about the man himself, Mark Beaks!" He stepped closer to Mark and laughed. "You have no idea how long I've waited to watch you die."

Mark stood up and put his hands up in front of his face. "Woah woah woah, take it easy, man! Listen, let's talk about this, right? I'm hella rich I can buy you a new car or a-"

"Have you forgotten that you lost everything!?" Wyatt gestured to the room. "Look around you, Mark! We're in your old company building! You have nothing anymore!"

"I can get rich again! You were once one of my cool interns! Look, Let's just forget about this whole thing and I can hire you! Yeah! I can hire you as my right hand man! You'll get a new hoverboard and nice paycheck with loads of zeros! C'mon, Wyatt, whaddya say?"

"Here's what I say!" Wyatt swung the knife across Mark's legs, causing him to fall over from the immediate pain.

Mark put his hands over the wounds that were already starting to soak in blood. "Fuck!"

Steelbeak screamed and covered his eyes. The only blood he accepted was the blood of christ.

Enough was enough. Ellie may have just insulted the shit out of Mark, but she didn't want to see him get stabbed. She had standards.

Bolting up, she ran over to Wyatt and grabbed onto his wrist, pulling it back so the knife was further away from Mark. "Wyatt, stop!"

Wyatt glared at Ellie. "Why should I?! He has been nothing but a pain in the ass since I first met him!" He stopped struggling against Ellie's hand. "Fuck- Why do you love him, Ellie?! I was twice the man Mark is and- and-" He wasn't quite sure where he was going with that speech so he stopped there.

Her response was quick. "I do not love him, Wyatt. I love you."

Both Mark and Wyatt fell silent. Wyatt had Ellie let go of his wrist while he put his knife away in its sheath. "Ellie...? Are you- are you serious? Y-you love me? Why didn't you say anything sooner? I-I did horrible things and... oh my gosh, Ellie, I wouldn't have done it if- You really do love me? You're serious?"

This time around, Ellie's response took a moment. "Yes, I am serious, Wyatt. I know- I know I am programmed to love Mark but I just cannot seem to get you off of my mind." She said. "I did not say anything sooner because... you are scaring me."

"O-oh! It's because of the cape..." Wyatt immediately untied his Party City cape and dropped it on the floor. He smiled "Better?"

"Pardon?" Ellie had no idea what the fuck he was talking about until she saw the cape hit the ground. "No." She waved her hands. "Y-you are scaring me because you are hurting everyone. You hunted me down, you gave my friends death threats..." She gestured to both Mark and Steelbeak. Wyatt had yet to notice Kyle was missing and he probably wouldn't because he's just that stupid. "You put my child in danger. And when you erased my memories... you- you hit me."

Wyatt's eyes softened. Everyone in the room could see the guilt on his face when she said that. "You're right... o-oh my god- w-what did I do?! I- I am a monster!" He put his hands over his face. "I ruined my life! I-I did the worst things imaginable and- I didn't stop! Oh my god...Ellie. I am so sorry b-but I know sorry won't be enough to fix all of the things that I've done to you."

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Where stories live. Discover now