The light slowly diminished and everyone in the restaurant clapped before normal lighting returned and people went back to eating and chatting amongst their families.

Steelbeak looked up at the fluorescent lights and pointed. "Hey, did anyone else see the lights do that?"

Everyone ignored him. Wyatt, after a moment to think about what Kyle just said, spoke up. "You make a good point, K-Kyle. They do seem like pretty bad people... Of course, I-I had no idea Ellie did a-all of those things because she lost her memories... I think they're more of the villains than... than we are."

Kyle winked at him. "Bingo baby!"

"No seriously... the lights though." Steelbeak was staring at them like how Mark was drawn to a phone. He was completely transfixed and didn't understand that lights had the ability to dim like that. He thought it was just off and on and that was it.

He still went ignored as Kyle continued.

"So... you got two choices Wyatt. We can patch you up and send you on your way or you can join us and help us take care of Ellie and Mark. A sort of revenge."

"I-... I want to help you guys... a-and take revenge against Ellie and Mark...but you have to promise that my family will be safe! I-I've been worried about them this whole time. If you can make sure that they'll be alright, I-I'll do everything I can to help you."

Before Kyle could respond, the waitress came back and gave everyone their food. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help y'all!"

Steelbeak pointed at the lights again. "Oh, we're fine. Thank you, miss, but it seems like you have an electrical problem."

The waitress looked up at the now normal lights and then back at Steelbeak. "They seem fine to me, sweetie." She walked away before he could say anything else.

Kyle smirked. "Alright! You're on the team, buddy!" He held out his tiny cockroach hand before retracting it because he didn't want it to accidentally be broken again. "Anyway, your family was never in danger so no need to worry about that. Also, that stuttering thing you got going on, you can't do that if you're going to be a villain."

"Hey Kyle, can you explain the lights to me?"


"Woah. Sorry?"

Kyle turned his attention back to Wyatt. "So if you want to get revenge on Ellie and Mark, you gotta stop the stuttering thing. It's not scary. Or villainous. It makes you seem like a joke."

"I-I really can't help it... but I'll try my best." Wyatt figured that the best thing for him to do is to just stay quiet as much as possible whenever they're doing villainous things.

"...I think a rat might be chewing on the wires from inside the walls..." Steelbeak was still staring at the lights, scratching his steel beak in deep thought.

"Shut the hell up, Steelbeak, and eat your damn MILF food!" Kyle calmed down before turning his attention back to Wyatt once again. "When we get back to the shack, you can do whatever you want to Ellie first. Got it?"

He gulped. He really had no idea what he just got himself into until just now. "Okay..." He slowly started eating his pancakes, trying to come up with revenge ideas.


"Mark... do you think I am a MILF?"

It had been hours and Ellie couldn't stop thinking about it. She had looked it up in her data and the fact people called her that absolutely astounded her.

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Where stories live. Discover now