Chapter 14: Hello, Father

Start from the beginning

Mark, even though he was stupid, also remembered the promise that he made to Boyd. Not that he had much of a chance against Steelbeak anyways. "So what's your plan here, my dudes? You're just gonna kidnap us? Real original."

Steelbeak smirked "Well, duh! But we have other plans after kidnapping the four of you. So are you gonna make our lives easier and come with us peacefully or do things have to get bloody." Steelbeak started to crack his knuckles again to prove his point.

Kyle patted the shoulder he was standing on. "Easy, big guy, I'm sure my parents will do the smart thing. They've survived thus far, right?"

Ellie was still staring at Steelbeak and completely ignored Kyle's statement. "I actually cannot bleed so..." The look he gave her told her to shut up but another question popped into her mind. "Where are Boyd and Wyatt?"

It was possible Steelbeak and Kyle weren't aware of Boyd and Wyatt's whereabouts and Ellie just gave away that they were with them, but she highly doubted that.

Steelbeak laughed and pointed behind himself with his thumb. "They're already in the van. Care to join 'em?"

Well, damn.

Mark and Ellie now had two choices. Either attempt murder against Boyd's wishes, or join them along in the van for their undeniable death sentence.

The choice was clear. It was either Steelbeak and Kyle's lives or their own with a slim chance of escaping. Murder was the only option. But everything Boyd had told her kept repeating in Ellie's mind.

She clenched her fists and stepped out from behind Mark. "Alright, we will come with you."

"Oh woah, okay it was that easy. That's great! I'd honestly have to thank you guys..." Steelbeak grabbed the two of them, holding each with one arm. "Because of how easy this whole thing was, we can leave before the traffic gets bad!"


"Hi, um, hello. We need some help." The receptionist behind the police station counter looked up and Heidi. "What seems to be the problem ma'am?"

"Ummm..." Oh shit. She didn't think this far ahead. Okay. Her and Gloria couldn't tell the whole story because mentioning they were in the gang would be pretty bad. "There's this gang hunting us down and also one of our friends." She was referring to Gyro Gearloose.

The receptionist stayed silent for a moment. "I'll call an officer in the back for you."

As the woman was doing that, Heidi walked over to Gloria who was still in tears on the bench.

Heidi sat beside her and put a hand on her back once again. "Hey, Glo. It's okay. We have the cops on our side now, yeah?"

Gloria started to recollect herself by wiping away her tears. "Yeah you're right. This will all be over soon..." She was mostly saying that out loud for herself.

The two waited in silence for another minute before a police officer walked out of the office and stood in front of the two of them. "Hello, are you two here about the report of the gang?" He figured it was but he needed clarification.

"Hi, yes, that's us!" Heidi stood up with a bit too much enthusiasm. "So, we don't have a whole lot of information," Yes they did. Just not a lot they were willing to share. "But this gang is known at The Mothmans and they want us dead for, like, no reason. Oh, and our friend Gyro Gearloose. They want him dead too. Also, my girlfriend Mia is missing. I know you guys are already looking for her but just wanted to bring that up again." The statement was followed by an awkward smile. She had no idea what else to say.

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Where stories live. Discover now