Chapter 13: Gyro's Head

Start from the beginning

Mark started to get worried, immediately deciding to get defensive. He put his hands up in protest. "Yes we're married and I know it wasn't the best thing for me to do! It was the only thing I could think of doing that would help me get quick money so I could get you back from Waddle! Honest! Please don't be mad because I was doing it for the right reasons, ya dig?"

"Alright." She didn't feel like questioning it and decided to lay down, turning her back to him. Talking to who might as well have been a stranger wasn't something she wanted to do and she was most likely going to shut down soon just to avoid it.

"Woah woah woah." Mark got up from the bed and walked around so he was facing Ellie. "Yo, are you mad at me?"

Ellie scrunched up her face. He really would not just shut up. "No. I have no reason to distrust you. Besides, it would not make sense for me to be mad at you when I do not even know you."

"Okaaaaaaaaayyyyyy but when you do get your memories back, will you be upset?"

"How would I know?" She stared at him for a moment. "Will you leave me alone now?"

Mark did the exact opposite. Obviously. "Uhhhh, so you and Wyatt... what's up with that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dude, he totally likes you! What's the deal?"

"Oh, I see. You are jealous." Ellie wasn't teasing him. She was staying rather blunt. "Yes he does. And I like him back. However, I know when I retrieve my memories I will not have the same feelings I do now so I made it clear that nothing is going to happen between us due to it being immoral. I have to respect my past feelings for you."

Mark's face went red. "Wha- hey! I am not jealous!" Yes he was. "Whatever. It's cool that you want your memories back so everything is chill."

"You are jealous but you need to start being polite to him. He has been keeping Boyd and I safe, while being in as much danger. Not to mention I will most likely stay friends with him once I regain my memories so I believe you should get used to his company. Do not make me repeat myself." Ellie was clearly getting annoyed with Mark and just decided to say it. "You are annoying."

Yep. Mark was all of those things and he lowkey knew it too. "Ugh, okay, whatever." He finally got out of Ellie's face and sat on the other side of the hotel room, overlooking the "view". Seriously, it's Albuquerque, what's there to see?

Ellie studied him for another moment as she always did. She didn't want to continue the conversation but she had one question for him before she shut down. "This may be an odd question to ask, but how did we meet and how did we fall in love?"

Mark looked over at Ellie again and laughed "That's kind of a long story. So basically I built you for this crusty dude named Glomgold. G-gold for short. Anyways he wanted a family member so I built you to be his niece. We went on this insane ass trip to this place called Agartha annnnnnndddddd yeah. We just got to know each other better and we kind of started dating after that. Oh no wait. First I had to rebuild you because you lowkey died but after that we started dating. We've been together for about three years and married for two."

"I married you that quickly?" She unintentionally sounded disgusted before turning her back to him. "Okay. Goodnight."

Ellie immediately shut down after that, leaving Mark to sit alone with his thoughts. It looked like he was getting a taste of his own medicine after the whole Vegas thing a few years back.


"YO! WHAT'S UP GUYS?!" Dingles gave Gloria a fist bump.

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