Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This

Start from the beginning

"My body is incapable of digesting food but I am sure Boyd would be rather ecstatic about eating something other than Mac and Cheese."

Boyd didn't mind the Mac and Cheese all that much, but Ellie did.

His mother laughed. "Ohhhh, you're on a diet! I see. I need to go on one myself. And honestly so does Wyatt." She whispered in a comedic manner. "But don't worry. There's going to be a salad!"

She left the room before Lucy could try to explain what she meant. Either way, Lucy turned to Wyatt and smiled.

"Your mother seems very pleasant."

Wyatt smiled back. "Ha ha y-yeah she's really great. I-I hope it's not too much. All of my family I mean. I know it's kind of a full house. Just let me know when you want to leave and we can head back to my apartment, okay?"

"We may leave when Boyd wants to leave, which I'm sure will be in quite a while. Though I have decided his bedtime is at 9 pm."

There was a very awkward moment of silence. More on Wyatt's half.

"So, you work at Waddle." Lucy stated that like he didn't know himself. "I know you said that you retrieved an internship there because of the money, but what do you want to do in the long run, as a full time career, whether that be at Waddle or somewhere else?"

Wyatt laughed "I-It would be really cool to be a professional hockey player but I haven't played in a long time and I was never that great, despite what my mom would say." He scratched the back of his head. "To be honest I'm not quite sure what I want to do. I took the internship to keep me busy while I figure it out... and if I get promoted to an actual full time job at Waddle, I would take it. W-what about you? Now that you've left Waddle, you can do whatever you want!"

Lucy flushed, not literally but it felt like it. "Oh, um..." Now she was the one nervous. "I do not know. I was built to follow commands so I suppose I need to find someone who needs a robot to 'boss' around because that is my purpose. I presume I will be looking out for Boyd for a while as well if he lets me." There was a pause. "A part of me wants to meet the people I have forgotten but Boyd is convincing me otherwise. If they are murderers, I do not know why I would wish to see them, but I also just want to know about my past self. While at the same time, I do not wish to be my past self. It is rather conflicting."

He nodded "Yeah that is pretty conflicting." He awkwardly laughed. "It's really your call. You can go and find them if you want and I can watch after Boyd."

Wyatt's mother came back, grabbing a tray of snacks and walking it into the living room. She set the tray down in front of Lucy and Wyatt before sitting down herself at the chair across from them. She continued to smile "It's so nice having you over, Lucy! Wyatt never brings a girl home so this is very exciting!"

Wyatt started to blush again. "Mom!"

"What?! It's true! You're also very pretty, Lucy, and Boyd is just the sweetest kid I have ever met! I was just outside talking to the kids and they are getting along so well!"

Lucy suddenly realized she had never looked in a mirror and had no idea how she looked. She possibly looked like a mess and Wyatt's mother was just trying to be polite. Now she was just as embarrassed as Wyatt. "Am I, really?" She shouldn't have asked that and moved on. "Yes, Boyd is very sweet. I..." She came to the conclusion that Wyatt's mother figured Lucy was Boyd's mother. "I love him very much." It wasn't a lie, but it felt wrong saying that when she literally just met Boyd.

His mother nodded and continued to smile at Lucy. "And now you and my sweet Wyatt are living together is that correct?"

Wyatt was so close to passing out. He was beyond embarrassed. His entire face was red and he was pleading with his eyes to have his mom stop. "Wh- I-I mean.. Yes? B-but it's not like that!"

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Where stories live. Discover now