Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt

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Black Heron slammed the door shut before he could ask any questions.

He stared at the now closed door for a moment, trying to piece together what just happened. He spun around to walk over towards Ellie and gently tapped her on the shoulder. "U-um... excuse me? Robot girl? A-are you awake?"

When she didn't respond, he nudged her again.

And then again, and again.

By the fifth time, she turned to look at him, earning a shriek in response.

The intern almost fell on the floor from the sudden reaction, thinking he was about to get himself killed.

Ellie simply just stared at him with an unamused, more so expressionless face, waiting for him to continue.

He began to twist his hat more than he already was. "A-are you okay, robot girl?"

"Who are you and why do you have such an idiotic hat?"

He looked up down at his hat before putting it back on his head. "Oh, right. Sorry. M-my name is Wyatt. Um... what's yours?"

"What is my what?"

"Do you not have a name?" He scratched his head. "Uh... okay so a name is a word that is used to refer to yourself. S-so what would you like to be called?"

"Oh. A name. I know what a name is. My given identification is WP-J3."

"Would you like to be called WP-J3? Because I can help you come up with a more... easier name to remember."

She stared at him blankly, not that she wasn't already doing that before, but now it was even more blank. "WP-J3 is already an undemanding set of letters and numbers. If you find it difficult, then you must have a low IQ." She said. "But I can change my given identification if you so wish since you, Wyatt, must be the one who built me."

He frantically waved his arms in front of him. "No no no I-I'm not the one who built you! Uh... I guess you're my new intern now o-or something? But whatever..." He thought about some names to give Ellie. "What about Lucy? Um... y-you kind of look like a Lucy to me. But if you hate it I can think of something else!"

"Name accepted. I am Lucy."

Ellie, who now went by Lucy, hadn't broken eye contact with Wyatt the entire conversation and it was making him more nervous by the second. It was very unsettling.

"You said I am your intern? So you mean assistant?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. That's just what that man told me right before he left. I guess so? I'm only an intern so I really don't need an assistant... B-but you're welcome to stay here and be my friend?" He asked that last part as a question to give her the chance to decide for herself.

Ellie gave him a confused look. "Why would I be your friend? I was built to take orders and follow commands," At least she assumed she was. "Not to play 'friends' like school children."

"O-oh I mean... yeah we don't have to be friends... I just thought I would offer, I guess." Wyatt scratched his arm nervously as he decided to change the subject. "So... are you going to be helping around Waddle from now on as an employee?"

Now she was even more confused. "I was built to follow orders so I do not see why you are asking me rather than commanding."

"I-I can't command you to do anything! But uh... this isn't my rule but the person who was just in here told me that you shouldn't leave the building... I'm not sure why but yeah. So with that being said, I guess you can just be an employee here if you'd like. After the company was bought out things have been pretty hectic around here and we could use an extra hand. I-if you want, I could show you around the building?"

Ducktales: Journey to Agartha - Act 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang