Chapter 3: Daddy Issues

Start from the beginning

The bartender simply smiled and nodded throughout the entire story while he was trying to work.

Gloria chugged the last of her drink before slamming it down. "Oh wait! I have another story about Alaska!"

Luckily for the poor bartender, Ellie came up and sat down next to Gloria to make her presence known.

"Good evening, best friend. It is nice to see you."

"Hey, best friend!" Gloria copied her. "What are you doing here!?"

"I must win Mark's fortune back after he lost everything due to tax fraud." Her face and tone remained neutral. "What about doing here?" Why was she even asking that?

Her eyes widened "What? Mark lost Waddle? Damn..." If she wasn't having a shitty day herself she probably would've been rolling on the floor, laughing her ass off while popping open the champagne. Well maybe not? I guess their sort of friends now but whatever. "Sorry to hear that he had a shit day. Gyro and I are having a bad day as well. That's why I'm here."

"You are? Well, I simply do not care." Wait. Honesty wasn't polite according to Ms. Kris. "As your best friend, I care deeply about what you are going through and would love to hear about it."

Gloria nodded. She was used to Ellie and how she would speak for years, it didn't bother her. "Alright, well now that you're here do you want to work some of your robot magic on the machines so we can just get out of here?" She pointed to the casino machines with her thumb.

Ellie shook her head. "No no, I am a best friend and would love to hear about your issues." No she wouldn't, but Ms. Kris would be impressed and Ellie would get a gold star. She liked those a lot and kept the collection under her bed. She had 26 so far, and those didn't include the ones Glomgold had eaten.

Walking away with Ellie, Gloria sat down next to the first casino slot machine. "Well for starters, the McDuck family has gone missing! It's all over the news and we can't get a hold of them. Gyro and I had no idea what happened to them or where they've gone! When we tried to head over to their house both of our vehicles were busted! Both of the engines just gave out. It was the weirdest morning."

"HAHAHAHA!" Ellie slapped a hand over her mouth. Most of the casino guests had gone silent and were just staring at the two of them. When chatter started up again she continued. "I apologize, I already knew of the McDucks going missing." She pointed to her head signalling she had news in her data or something weird like that. "I know you do not, but I personally find it hilarious. I know they never did anything to me personally, but they hurt Mark's feelings so going missing is what they deserve. Plus missing case files are just amusing in general. It is sad to hear about your vehicles, by the way." Ellie forced in the last part really quick when she noticed the expression Gloria was wearing.

"Yeah I know you don't really care about them but Gyro and I do and this is pretty serious. People don't vanish out of thin air like that... but anyways, what has been going on with you?"

Ellie frowned. "I suppose my day was not that great either. I failed my final exam and lost my job. Both within the same five minutes. The job I can comprehend considering I have attempted to murder many of my past co-workers, but the final exam?! I am very punctual and yet he never received it! He said I turned it in late and I am never late." She stomped her foot at the end of her mini rant just to add that extra anger in.

Her eyes widened again. "Oh my god that's horrible, Ellie! You've had a worse day than I have! I'm really sorry... It's crazy about your final though. I know you submitted it so I can't understand how that happened. It'll all work out though." Gloria wasn't sure how it would work out but she had to say something encouraging!

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