Chapter 20: Lieutenant Sofia

Start from the beginning

"Babe, i just got mom's message, they said they were also invited and they're on their way there too." I said to her who was sitting at the bed putting her shoes on.

"Of course they would, they're friend with my parents since i don't know when" she shrugged getting fussy with her shoelaces. I walked to her and sat infront of her.

"Here, let me" i said taking the laces from her and untangle them first before tying them firmly, "this is the first time you got trouble over the shoe lace" i said and she sighed.

"It's nothing, i just felt nervous suddenly but i think it's gone now" she said cupping my cheeks then kissed my forehead, "ready?"

"Since i was born" i laughed as we head out.

I didn't know what it was too but as we got closer to their house, i felt my stomach dropping. I was nervous but not like nervous nervous? Get it? I don't know too, i just felt like something is gonna happen. A gut feeling.

"You alright?" She asked taking my hand as she stopped in their driveway. There were also different cars out there and the house seems to lit up tonight.

"Yeah, i think so. Why?"

"Nothing, you just suddenly got silent" she took my hand and squeezed it.

"It's nothing" i smiled, "I love you" i said to her.

She put my hand on her cheek and kissed my palm as she stared at me lovingly. What did i do to get someone like her? I'm like the luckiest person alive right now and i wouldn't do anything stupid like lose her.

We got out of the car and went inside, only to be greeted by her mother's Bear hug

"It's good to see you, Honey" she said as she hugged me tightly.

"Ma, that's mine..." Kyle suddenly whined, surprising me, along with her mother.

"Oh it's not like I'm taking her away from you" she said releasing me and giving her a hug too.

"Hey that's unfair. You gave her a bear hug and you just hug-hug me" i chuckled with her childish side. It was cute.

"Oh hush... let's get inside now" her mother said before turning away and walked inside leaving us by the door.

"Sometimes i get jealous of you from stealing my mother's affection" she pouted as she grabbed my hand

"Oh come here you..." i said pulling her cheek and giving her a kiss, "the only affection i want is yours" i said smiling at her and she finally smiled back.

"Ok, do you maybe wanna ditch out and maybe just get in the bed now?" She said wriggling her brows up and down as she smiled widely.

"Shut up..." i joked and pulled her in as she just laughed at me.

There were other people in the kitchen and i could here others across the hall. Kyle pulled me in the kitchen first, where her mother and others were chatting up while preparing foods.

"Oh is this Kyle now... my, you've grown" a woman said, she has a short red curly locks S hair and wore a purple dress.

"Hey Aunt Tessie" Kyle greeted, firmly holding my hand as the lady walked to her and gave her a kiss in the cheeks.

"And who's that beside you..." another one said who was taking out a freshly baked pie.

"Oh This is Chloe, my girlfriend." She said pulling me near her as she placed her arm at my back.

"But i thought... oh nevermind mind. Hello sweety, I'm Via, Kyle's aunt" the lady said. What did she thought? Maybe she heard i was her fiancee at some point.

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