Chapter 20: Lieutenant Sofia

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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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Chloe's POV

"It's cold" Kyle said, burying her face at the side of my neck as i did the same. I'm currently at Kyle's place since it's weekend, and we haven't gotten up from bed for the past hour. I think i woke up at Eight in the morning and it's already quarter to ten. I'm straddling her as she leaned at the headboard just snuggling with each other.

"Dress properly if your cold" i said against her neck. She was just wearing a black muscle tee and her boxer. She said she was lazy to wear something else last night after we got home from the prom and just went straight to bed.

"I don't wanna move" she replied. I could feel her sniffing my neck and it slightly tickles me. But we were suddenly interrupted by her stomach, growling loudly.

"I think the inside you does..." i chuckled and gently sat up, "come on, I'll make some pancakes" i offered and she just hummed smiling with her eyes still closed.

I stood up from the bed and held her hand, pulling her out of the room as she kept her eyes still closed. As we walk towards the kitchen i eyed her body, the muscle tee showed her arms, it was toned and there are traces of scars on it. The veins in her wrist are quite visible.

"Picture last longer" she suddenly said making me looked in her eyes, she was smirking at me.

"The real thing is much better" i said holding her arms and pulled her to a stool making her sit.

"I'm doing all the cooking, you're my audience" i said as i put on the apron then took out the ingredients.

"I'm your number One fan, Ms. Chloe" She teased, resting her chin on her hand at the table. It makes her more attractive with that confidence of her.

I started to mix in the ingredients and whip them together, creating a nice smell with them, i like this kind of smell. Then i started up the stove and put a pan on it. All the time, i could feel her watch me. Intently.

"I like this view..." she suddenly murmured as i hummed back, "i could picture you cooking meals, with our children running around" i looked up to her as she suddenly walked behind me, engulfing me in a hug. "Two to four children, what do you think?" She had her eyes closed as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

I moved the pancake to the plate as i turned off the stove and faced her, "that would be lovely..." i smiled then i went to a serious face, "but i know that hurts, so one or two is enough. I will do all the carrying if you must know" i said as a matter of factly.

"Oh yeah..." she said finally realizing her thoughts.

"And they said you're a genius. Come on now! Let's eat, I'm famished" i said pulling her to the table.


"Hey babe, wanna go to my parents?" She suddenly asked as we snuggled up in her bed. It was near dinner and we plan to just order pizza.

I looked up to her as she fiddle with her phone, "we gonna have dinner there?" I asked.

"I think so, Ma said, there was a little get together with Ma and Pa's friend." She said showing me her Mother's message.

"Ok. I'll just take a quick shower" i said forcing myself to get up from her comforts.

I quickly finished since i didn't want her waiting again like last time. I put on light make up to make myself presentable. My phone beep up and saw my Mother's message, saying they were also invited at the Smith's house and they're on their way there.

Figure it outTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang